Chapter Eight

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"I kinda wonder how he turned blind in one eye," Walter said as he drummed his fingers against the wheel of the car. He made a sharp turn that made Seth grab on tightly to the car door handle.

"Geez, could you drive more wildly?" He said sarcastically. Walter only chuckled. "And why do you say that? Thats none of your business anyways." He sighed. The day was getting closer to the night. The sky turned into a beautiful reddish–pinkish color. Seth thought it was magnificent. But Walter didn't necessarily think like his partner. He wasn't as emotional as he was. And he sure as hell wasn't one to look on the brighter side of things. He was fearless and a bit of a jackass at times. But Seth still loved him no matter what. Even if he did give him a hard time.

Walter parked into one of the empty spaces in the hospital's parking lot next to a handicap spot. Seth wasn't very stoked to walk into the hospital, especially considering the fact that Raymond had tried to take his own life.

The two men walked in, flashing their badges to woman at the front desk.

"Were here to see Raymond Hunter." Seth said. The lady with a black bob nodded and began to type on the computer.

"He's in room 213 on the third floor."

Seth thanked her and walked over to the elevator with Walter, pushing the button with the arrow pointing up. He stared at the numbers changing, the elevator slowly making its way to the first floor.

"After you," Walter said, holding his hand out. Seth smiled and walked in before Walter did as well.

"So," Seth began, pushing the button to the third floor, "how's your sister?"

Walter sighed. He shrugged his shoulder. "I don't know. Sometimes she talks to me and sometimes she doesn't. Its kinda frustrating honestly. She can't even remember anything that happened."

"Yea but, can you blame her? I mean she went through such a traumatic experience. She was kidnapped and tortured. You gotta give her some credit for having the courage to even have small talk. Thats not easy for victims like her." Seth scratched the back of his head. "Just saying."

Walter didn't respond. He only stared at the floor. He didn't want to think about anything that related to his sister at the moment. He felt useless that he couldn't help her in any way. He had to comfort her from a distance. The fact that she couldn't remember anything else like the person who did this to her, or where she was when she managed to escape, it made it all worse. At least in Walters eyes. He begged for her to remember something. Maybe a road sign or a building she perhaps walked by while making her escape. But nothing came of it.

The elevator doors opened. Walter lifted his blue eyed gaze up to be greeted by a man with shoulder length brown hair. He knew the man was a nurse due to the fact that the man was wearing light blue scrubs while the doctors and interns wore either purple or dark blue scrubs. The nurses however, wore light blue ones. His eyes wondered down to his ID card hanging from his shirt pocket.

Jeremy brown.

His eyes widened a bit but he quickly averted his eyes as the two detectives walked out the elevator and letting the nurse walk in.

"Seth," Walter whispered, "that nurse that just walked into the elevator was Jeremy Brown."

Seth lifted an eyebrow and turned to look at Walter. "How'd you know that?"

"I saw his name on his ID. That was him. W-what do we do?"

Seth rubbed his chin, pondering. "Go." Walter stared at him for a few seconds before nodding his head and heading towards the stairs instead of the elevator. Seth looked up ahead. He walked down the hall until he found room 213. Slowly, he opened the door. Inside was the loneliest man laying on the hospital bed and curled up in a ball while laying on his side.

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