A f t e r 1 1

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*Not Edited*


It's done. My life, everything is done.

She walked out on me with my little princess. I need another chance with her I can't have her leave me! I love her so fücking much she doesn't even understand.

I regret everything I did with Ella. I'm such a fücking asshöle! I screwed up the best thing that happened in my life for what a night with Ella.

I hate myself. I hate everything about me how could I let the love of my life walk out on me. We were suppose to fix this, I was suppose to tell her what can I do to make it better. What could I do to save us.

Now because of my stupid actions my baby left me.

I drop down to my knees on the gravel floor and sob into my hands.

"She left me." I whisper.


"Mummy!" I look in my rear view mirror and see Emmy in her chair smiling at me.

How I wish I could be a child again.

"Yes honey."

"Where's dada?" I feel tears threatening to come out but stop them.

"We we leaving for a little bit and daddy can't come with us."

She purses her pink lips as her wide eyes blink "Oh."

"Mom where are we going to go?" Luke says next to me on the passenger seat while playing with his phone.

"Not sure yet Luke, but as far away we can go."

He faintly smiles and looks back at Emmy getting her to laugh.

This is what I need. Me and my kids, no man to screw it all up.


I grab my black suitcase while letting out a breath through my nose.

After what happened at Amy's house I went home and packed clothes and went to the airport.

Then I came to Vegas and am currently staying in the Golden Nugget.

I lay back into the white sheets and stare at the white ceiling.

I miss her. I miss her so damn much even if she did cheat on me. Now I get to feel her pain. A bitter laugh comes from my mouth.

I guess I deserve it but it hurts. My heart feels heavy and I just can't function. I love her even after what she did.

I sigh as I hear a knock at the door.

I gasp as I open the door.

What the hell is she doing here, I thought I was done seeing her the day she ruined everything.

"Hey Nick."

I blink my eyes rapidly "Lily, what the fuck are you doing here."

Her fake smile falters as she runs a hand through her blonde hair "Well I am here with some girlfriends and I saw you checking in and I wanted to say hi."

She smirks moving back a bit with her chest on full display. She still hasn't changed.

"Well after what you did to my family I don't appreciate you saying "hi" to me, now go."

She frowns as the smirk moves off her face "Oh but Nick I heard on E news that you and Annie broke and I thought you would need to take your mind off of it."

I scrunch my nose up as I cringe "What the actual fuck, get out of here before I make you."

She puts her hand on her hip and smirks at me while running her other hand down my shirt "Yeah what will you do?"

I scowl and take her arm and push her back "Stay the fuck away from me you slut."

Her face falls as she tries to grab me but before she comes in contact I slam the door in her face.

"Why me?"



I was suppose to leave y'all on a cliff hanger but because I haven't posted in like three days I decided to make this chapter extra long. BTW! there is only two chapters left!

Thank you all for getting me #34 on romance like wth. I APPRECIATE YOU!



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