Chapter 8

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Lucille's POV:

I got up at 6:00 to wake up the devils and as soon as I left my room, I got covered in paint. I screamed and went downstairs to find everyone in the living room.

"Who did this?" I asked them, angrily. they all looked at me and started to laugh.

"Are you guys fucking deaf? I asked you something." I shouted at them. "

Yeah we heard ya but we didn't want to answer you." Claire said and they all started laughing again. That's when I realised that Edward and Isabella weren't in the room.

"Where are Isabella and Edward?" I asked them and they all shrugged their shoulders. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to the second floor. I opened their bedroom door to see them sleeping with their backs towards each other. I smiled to myself and went up to them to wake them up.

"Isabella, you bitch. Wake up now before I make you." I said, but no effect. I got out my blow horn and blew it right in her ear. She still didn't wake up. I went over to Edward's side and told him to wake up, but he didn't. I then shouted at them to wake up, but still no effect.

"My stomach's hurting." Isabella mumbled and Edward's eyes just shot open. He quickly turned over so that Isabella's back was facing him. He leant over to her and asked her if she was okay. She shook her head and I went over to her. she got up slowly with the help of MY Edward.

"I don't want to go to school." Isabella said and Edward agreed with her. "You don't have to baby; I'm staying with you alright." Edward told her.

"Actually no you're not. you've got to go to school even if Isabella here dies." I told him and I'm pretty sure that he growled at me.

"I am not going anywhere with my Bella in this condition." He hissed at me. The others then came into the room and started saying that they wouldn't go to school if Isabella and Edward didn't go. This kept going on and on so I had no option but to give in. I went downstairs to call the school.

Edward's POV:

Once Lucille had gone, Jasper closed the door and we all started laughing.

"That was good little sister. You looked like you really do have a really bad stomach ache." Emmett said.

"Yeah." Shan said.

"Guys I'm not kidding about. I really do have a stomach ache." Bella said and we stopped laughing. We all looked at her concerned.

"You're messing around with us aren't you." Eve asked but Bella shook her head.

"C'mon let's take her to Carlisle." I said and they all agreed. We got up and they all left the room to get the jeep ready. Bella tried to get up but she couldn't so I helped her. I wrapped my arm around h waist and held her hand. we walked down the stairs and just as we were about to leave the house Lucille came up to us.

"Where do you think you are going?" She asked us.

"Somewhere." I said and was about to leave the house when she stopped us again.

"So Bella isn't well to go to school but she is perfectly fine to go out." She said, which got me really pissed.

"First of all you call her Isabella and second of all we aren't going out for fun, we're going to the hospital because Bella's stomach is really hurting her." I tell her and I slowly pick up Bella and leave the house. The guys were waiting for us in the jeep so I carefully put Bella in the jeep first then I get in. A couple of minutes later we reached the hospital and I quickly got down and took Bella inside a quickly as I could. Eve checked us in and we quickly went into Carlisle's cabin. He was having a meeting. I would usually wait for Carlisle to finish his meeting but today it's about Bella.

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