Chapter 10

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At school
Shane's POV:

We were at school and it was lunch time. Claire, Michael, Eve and I were sitting at our usual table, waiting for the others to turn up. A couple of minutes later the others had come and sat down.

"What are you guys talking about?" Bella asked.

"Lucille and how she pisses me off. You guys know that I don't get pissed off that easily." Claire told us and we all agreed.

"I'm starving." Bella said and took our food. We looked at her and shook our heads.

"What?" Bella asked.

"This is going to take some time getting used to." Emmett said.

"Why, you have seen her eat before." Edward said.

"That's true but we haven't seen her eat for at least 30 years." Emmett replied and Bella kicked him under the table.

"Ow." Emmett said and we all laughed.

"Hey just because I'm half human that doesn't mean that I can't hurt you. I can still hurt you as much as I could before." Bella said. After a couple of hours, we all had gone home and went to Alice's room to talk in private as Alice's closet is soundproof.

"I think that instead of everyone doing their own pranks, we should one huge prank all together." Michael said and we spent three hours thinking about what prank we should do.

Bella's POV:

I went to the kitchen to get some ice cream fudge but when I opened the fridge I saw that there was no ice cream fudge. I called Edward and told him that the ice cream fudge was finished and that I was really hungry. We went back into the living room and sat down on the love seat.

"Jazz." I called him.

"Yeah Bella." He said, looking up from his civil war book.

"Can you get me a burger; Lucille ate all the ice cream fudge." I told him and he nodded his head.

"Who said I had eaten it, any one of these brats could have and make yourself some food." Lucille said sitting next to Eddie.

"Well first of all no one in our family likes ice cream fudge apart from me and second of all I can't be bothered to make anything for myself." I tell her.

"Fine I did have it, so what if I had it." Lucille admitted.

"That Ice cream fudge was only meant for Bella." Edward told her.

"Whatever. Jasper if you're going to get Isabella something then get me something a well?" Lucille asked him

"I'm only getting it for my sister and no one else. If you want something to eat then make yourself something to eat or go and get it yourself." Jasper told her and went outside of the house. Once Jasper had gone, Lucille got up and walked out of the room, mumbling something.

"So Eddie what was she thinking?" I asked him.

"She was thinking about ways how to harm you." Edward said angrily.

I wanna rip her head off and feed it to the wolves. I thought.

"Trust me, Bella, we all do." Edward told me and that's when I found out that my shield wasn't in place. I decided to leave it off until Lucille lave our house forever. After a couple of seconds Jasper comes back with my burger. He passes me the burger and I thank him. I quickly ate it and threw the rubbish in the bin.

We all got ready for our pranks, which were bound to make Lucille really angry. It'll be bad for her but for us it'll be proper hilarious.

Lucille's POV:

I was shampooing my hair, when my hands suddenly felt really sticky. I grabbed the shampoo bottle and ripped of the label, to see that it was glue not my shampoo. I put the bottle down and put my hands in my hair trying to stop my hair from being stuck together. After a couple of seconds my hands were stuck in my hair, which caused me to scream. I went out of the bathroom and I got changed with so much difficulty. I got out of my room and head downstairs. I heard the devils laughing in the living room. I opened the living room door with my elbows and a bucket of green goo fell all over me. I looked at the devils and they were all laughing, especially Edward.

"Who did this?" I asked them. They ignored me and continued to laugh, which only got me angrier.

"WHO DID THIS?" I shouted at them and they looked at me.

"Who did this?" I asked them and they pointed at Isabella and Edward. I went over to them and I looked Isabella in the eyes and asked her if she did this. She nodded her head. out of anger, I ripped my hand out of my hair which also cause a bit of my hair to come off with it. I was about to slap her, when Edward grabbed my arm mid-way. He stepped in front of Isabella.

"No one touches my girlfriend, let alone slap her. Only I'm allowed to touch her a well as Dad and my brothers and sisters." Edward hissed at my face and let go of my arm. I didn't realise as to how much it hurt until then. Isabella kissed him on the cheek and they all went out.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" I yelled at them

. "Out." Isabella replied and ran out with the rest of the devils.

Just wait till rule change day. I thought to myself, whilst tying to rip out my other hand from my hair.

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