Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Bella's POV:

We all looked at Carlisle and waited for him to tell us as to what's wrong with me.

"Bella have you had any food cravings?" Carlisle asked me.

"Yeah." I replied.

"That means that it's true." Carlisle said.

"What's true?" Edward asked.

"That Bella is half human and half vampire." Carlisle said.

"WHAT!" We all screamed.

"How the hell did this happen and how can Bella be half vampire and half human, when I bit her myself?" Edward asked Carlisle.

"I don't know Edward, but I'll do some research and find out." Carlisle said and went up to his study.

"You alright?" Emmett asked me.

"I'm fine Em." I told him.

"You sure?" Emmett asked me again.

"100% sure." I told them and I turned to Alice.

"How come you never saw this Alice?" I asked her.

"I don't know Bella, even I'm finding all this weird." Alice told me

. "I think we should tell this to Esme, after all she is our mother and she has a right to know." Emmett said and we all turned to him, shocked as to how Emmett could say something so wisely.

"Em, you alright?" Claire asked him.

"Yeah, why?" Emmett replied.

"Because you said something very sensible for the first time." Shane said, smirking. Emmett gave him a death glare.

"Anyways, he's right we should tell Esme." Eve said and we all agreed. Edward took out his phone and called Esme.

Esme's POV:

I was helping Jessica with her homework when my phone rang. I took out my phone to see that it was Edward and told Jessica that I will be back. I went to my room and answered the call.

"Hi sweetie." I said into the phone.

"Hi Mommy." All of my kids said, in unison, and I instantly knew that something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" I asked them.

"How do you know that there is something is wrong?" Claire asked me. "

I'm your mother and I always know when there is something wrong. So tell me." I told them.

"Esme, in the morning I wasn't feeling well so the guys took me to the hospital where Carlisle took a blood sample and tested it. After a couple of hours Carlisle came back home and told me that I was half human and half vampire." Bella told and I was worried because I couldn't be with my daughter when she need me most.

"Bella are you alright?" I asked her.

"Yah I'm fine, but I'm worried as to what would happen if the Voultori found out." Bella tells me.

"Don't worry Bella, they're not going to find out. I'm gonna come there." I tell her.

"Esme it's alright. We're all there for Bella, you stay there." Michael told me. I didn't agree with him but after 5 minutes of arguing I gave in and decided to stay here. I hung up the phone and was about to leave the room, when Jennifer came in. "What's wrong Esme." Jennifer asked me. "Nothing, it's just that my daughter is sick and I can't look after her." I told her and she nodded her head. We went into her and Jessica's room and I helped both of them with their homework. After their homework was finished, they asked me if I could tell them about my family and I said yes. I told them about my family until they fell asleep. 

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