Chapter 11

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Double update!!

Last night Caroline drove us back home. I was sitting with Luiz on the backseat. 

He had his head rested on my shoulder and was blabbering things.

It was so good to take care of him last night. 

But I felt so bad to see him like that.

Last night when I placed his head on the pillow, I could not help but to take an extra glance of his face which was so beautiful with well-defined features. I brushed away his hair from his face. When I was about to leave him, he held my hand and said, "Don't leave me Maryam."

I couldn't sleep the whole night thinking as to who Maryam can be.

Is she the girl Alex mentioned about? Is Luiz in love with her?

I had to ask everything to Caroline. Maybe she can help me know.

I wore a white t-shirt and striped shots and went down.

Caroline was having her morning tea. This was the right time.

"Good morning.", she smiled and greeted me.

"Good morning Caroline.", I said and sat on the other side of the couch.

"Umm Caroline.... Who is Maryam?", I asked after hesitating for some time.

Her eyes grew bigger in shock.

"How did you know that name?", she asked.

"Last night Luiz took her name.", I said.

She stood immediately and said, "Lara! Do not bother about things which do not concern you. Just concentrate on your life and try working out on your relationship with Luiz."

"How can I improve our relationship when I don't know anything about him?", I asked.

"You need to understand him for that and give it some time. Things don't happen overnight Lara.", she said and went to her room.

That's true. One needs to be patient enough because nothing can be achieved overnight! But don't I even have the right to know about his past?

Who is the right person to tell me about all this? Maybe Alex?

But no! it is a wrong choice.

Or maybe Portia? Yes! she is the correct person.

I went upstairs to check if Luiz was awake so that I can get Portia's number from him.

He was sitting on the bed by holding his head between both his hands.

Should I say a good morning? No, it is better to shut my mouth.

I walked towards him and he noticed my presence.

He eyed me from top to bottom and cocked his head and asked, "Hey babe, having an amazing morning?" he asked in a sarcastic tone.

What did he mean?

"What do you mean by that?", I asked.

"Already having your plans to acquire more of our businesses?", he asked with a twitching smile.

I picked the jar of water on the side table and threw the water on his face.

I was really angry.

Your hangover needs to go Luiz.

"What the hell!", saying that Luiz grabbed the jar from my hand and poured the remaining water on me.

We stared at each other. I am sure he was shocked for what I did. But I just did not want to talk to him anymore. I wanted to leave the room and change.

But Luiz held the back of my head and brought my face close to his. The water from his locks of hair which was on his forehead were dripping on my face. 

"Don't you ever dare to do that or else you will be out of my home.", he said blazingly.

"You know what? I don't care. I am not dying to stay here. Why don't you realize that I am not the one running after your money or anybody else's money for that matter? It was not my plan to have all the businesses or to even marry you. Then why are you blaming me for everything? If you hate me so much then why don't you just stay away from me?", I said all at once.

"How I wish I can stay away from you. But how can I avoid you when I get to see that face of yours every morning and night before and after I sleep?", he said as if it was a sin to see my face.

I pushed him away. Then his eyes travelled from my face to my chest and he quickly turned his head away. I looked down to see why he did that.

Oh No! My white t-shirt is wet and the stuff I wore inside was seen through it.

I quickly covered my chest with my hand.

"Okay if that is your problem then I will not stay around you.", I said that and took my fresh clothes from the wardrobe and went out.

I need to have breakfast. I am really hungry as I did not have dinner last night. But I still can't get it. Why does he hate me so much? What did I do to him? He never had a proper answer to it. Guess it was my face which he hated more.

My mind drifted back to my old memories.

"Go make food. My friends will come for a party tonight and yeah don't show that obscene face of yours in the evening. Stay in the guest house.", I remember Maria saying it once.

I know that it is not true. But why do people hate my face so much?

I just went down.

"Jane, what is there for breakfast today?", I asked her.

"Bread toast and fruit salad. You want me to prepare something else for you?", she asked.

"No, its fine.", I said.

She served it on the table and I started eating.

I am soooo hungry.

I ate quickly by taking larger bites.

Then I noticed his presence. I quickly got up and went inside the other room.

You have your breakfast in peace Luiz.

"Jane, send my breakfast to office. I shall leave now.", he said shouting.

Why is he like this? What am I doing? Caroline asked me to work upon our relationship but I was actually running away.

I sighed.

How can I put efforts if he hates me this much?

But I won't give up.

I have to first talk to Portia. But how?

Yes! I shall ask Sarah for her number.

Hey my High Fliers!!

Please make me feel happy by clicking the star at the end of this chapter. Don't you wanna make me happy at least for the double update I gave you all?


Love you all <3 XOXO

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