Chapter 41

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"Please control yourself Lara, he will be fine.", Portia said.

"I can't.... I can't afford to loose him. I love him so much.", I said.

She patted my shoulder.

"We went to his office and saw that one of the windows were broken. Is there a possibility that he might have committed a suicide?", Alex said.

"Shut up Alex, don't you know what to speak at a particular point of time?", Portia shouted at him.

He just shrugged his shoulders.

I hate him so much!

"My Luiz is a brave heart, he would never do that.", I shot glares at Alex and defended Luiz.

"Well, his heart doesn't beat for you.", Alex said.

"Alex leave now..", Portia shouted.

"I came here for Lara and not him.", he said.

Is he mad?

"I don't want you around me.", I said.

"Irony is you want a person who doesn't want to stay with you and you are shooing me away who is even willing to die for you.", he said in a sarcastic tone.

"Alex get out.", Portia screamed her lungs out. She was shaking with anger.

"I am not here to follow your orders.", he said in an arrogant way and went and sat on one of the couches.

"We shall inform the cops if he doesn't return till the morning.", Portia said.

Some unusual thoughts were running in my mind.

Oh god! Please let him be safe...

I couldn't stop crying.

After almost an hour Luiz came home.

My happiness knew no bounds when I saw him.

I ran to him.

He extended his hand when I was just a foot away from him.

"Don't you come near me.", he said.

Portia went and hugged him. He hugged her back.

"Are you drunk?", Portia asked.

He turned his face away from her.

"Did you start it again? Did you take the drugs too?", she asked.

"I didn't take drugs.", he said and tried to walk past her.

But he was not able to walk properly.

I went and held him.

"I said stay away.", he said.

"I won't.", I said and held him around his shoulders.

He pushed me away.

Portia came and helped him.

"I shall help him.", she said.

"Okay.", I said.

She brought him to the room and made him sit on the bed.

"Please bring water for him.", she said.

I was about to leave when he said, "You bring it. I don't want anything from her."

She went outside the room.

I stared at him. He looked so vulnerable.

"Why are you keeping me away?", I asked him.

"I don't want to be ruined by you.", he said.

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