Chapter 31

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Luiz brought the food to the room along with Jane.

"Thank you Jane, you can leave now.", he said.

He sat beside me and started tearing the omelet into various pieces.

What? Is he going to feed me?

Then he dug the fork in one of the omelet piece and raised it to my mouth.

"I can eat myself Luiz.", I said.

I felt really weird.

"No problem I shall feed you for a week and in my absence, Jane will do so.", he said.

"No, no this is really too much.", I said.

"Stop irritating and eat Lara.", he said and started feeding me.

I had no other option but to agree with him.

After I had lunch, Luiz brought a box for me.

"Have this.", he said.

"What is it?", I asked him.

"Open and see for yourself.", saying that, he went and picked one of the suits from his wardrobe.

"Are you going out?", I asked him.

"Yeah.", he said and took off the white t-shirt he was wearing.

I was ogling at him like a fool.

He looked at me.

"I shall change in the other room.", he picked the suit and went out.

Thank God!

I opened the box in my hand and found a new mobile.


It was a black colour mobile with a very beautiful design.

But I don't know how to use a mobile.

Luiz came inside the room. He seemed to be in a hurry.

"Do you like it?", he asked.

"Yeah I do.", I said.

"You should have brought your previous phone along with you after the marriage. Anyways, now that you have a new phone, you can contact me whenever you want.", he said.

I never had my own phone.

"It is a latest model in the market and has got all the new features. Open and check it.", he said with a glimpse of excitement in his eyes.

I don't know what to do with it.

"I... I.... don't... know.", I said.

"It is similar to other smartphones. So just open normally.", he said.

"I don't know to use a smartphone. Not even a basic mobile phone.", I said.

Luiz, who was adjusting his tie in the mirror turned his neck in a split second and his mouth twitched.

"What? You never had a phone for yourself before?", he asked as if he just heard that I never had food in my life before.

"No.", I replied.

"How is that possible?", he shrugged his shoulders.

He looked like a teenage boy having lot of usual doubts at that point of time.

"There are people who exist in the world without using a smartphone.", I said.

"I know that. But... But... Okay whatever, I am already late.", he said.

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