Chap 4- suspicion

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Theo's POV

"Hey, I didn't see you at all yesterday. Where were you?" I ask looking straight into her deep brown eyes.

"Oh, a-at home. I wasn't feeling very well. Food poisoning maybe. I'm not sure. But I'm fine" she quickly stares down at the floor, letting her hair dangle over her face.

Something just isn't right. I can tell by the way that she keeps biting her lip and fiddling around. Something just isn't right, but I have absolutely no clue what could be wrong.

My next class is art, and so is hers. It's one of the many classes that we share.

"I'm glad. Come on, let's get to class"

We walk in together. She is standing so close to me that I can feel her breath on my skin. I badly want to lay my hand on her face and kiss her deeply, but I know I can't because, well because.......

Never mind. I guess you will find out from someone at some point, just not from me.

I sit down at the very back left corner of the class, next to Ella, instead of my usual place, in the middle of the class.

"Hey Theo, why don't you ditch the freak show for your real friends"

"Shut up Becca, you're the only freak show I can see"

She gasps and the rest of the class hisses and laughs, making her face go bright red as she runs out of the classroom.

I can see Ella silently crying next to me, and I reach out my hand and touch hers, causing her to look at me with a smile, just as the teacher walks in, forcing me to let go. Something I never wanted to do.

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