Chap 36 - Good enough?

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Theo's POV

It's been 2 years

The best 2 years of my life

But something is wrong with Ella

I can't quite tell what it is yet but I know something is wrong.

On the outside she seems like her amazing self, but on the inside, well, I just don't know what's going through her head. I have a feeling it's something not good!

Recently I haven't been very good myself.

You see, my past was also very troublesome. My mum died from cancer and my dad couldn't take it anymore so he killed himself. I was placed into the foster system where i was adopted by a man and a woman who just wanted the money not me.

So many things have been reminding me of my past and it's all starting to catch up with me

Maybe I'm not good enough for Ella

I wasn't good enough for anyone when I was younger so why would I suddenly be good enough for someone now

Nothing will ever change

I'll always be the boy no one wanted , the boy left alone to survive.

And soon enough Ella will see that I'm not good enough for her and she'll leave me like everyone else

I punch the wall nearest to me out of pure anger and sadness

I'll never be good enough

Is it really worth living this life?

My eyes glance over to the knife sitting on the kitchen counter

What if i were to just end it now?

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