Chap 9 - the truth

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Theo's POV

She said yes



I fist bump the air, not realising that people were watching.

Oh god

I suddenly remember why I can't fall for her

You see I'm 19 and in a gang. Not just any gang. The most feared, biggest gang in the world. And I'm not just in it. I'm the leader.

Ever person in the gang gets their own girl who they fall in love with. Their own princess. And I've now found mine, and I want her. Hell I love her. I've fallen for her. But I don't want her in danger. I have so many enemies, so many people who would love a shot to get back at me, and she, she's my one weakness and everyone will know. I can not put her in danger like that.

And yet I just asked her out on a date.

What have I done

I cant take it back

And there's no way I want to take it back

What am I going to do?

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