Chapter 16: In preparation

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Hate. Sorrows. Anger. Spite. These are some of the emotions that surged through Gemma and Zuri.
"My headache is back." Gemma wailed
"How am I... I cant. I'd rather die" Zuri turned to look at her doppelganger and gasped
"What's wrong"
"That's what I should be asking. Your eye is...different.  The white part is black, the iris is white, the thing in the iris is also black snd there seems to be a tattoo line growing from the cut you got the other day."
Zuri took out her phone "See"
"So I really am cursed. He called it The Curse Of The Red Blade, the most powerful curse in the underworld."
"Are you serious? The tats are dope though"
"There is nothing 'dope' about a curse I cant even control it at least."
"So what now."
Gemma inhaled deeply and spoke softly
"Listen Z I'd rather die than both of us die. Besides you got a great future ahead of you. You got your dad,  a cute 1 and a half year old tiger not to mention he's seventeenth generation tame tiger. You got a lot to live for but I dont so.... I'll die so you can live."
"What's the point of living if one of us is dead. We'll compete then so its fair"

The curse tattoo's covered her entire right side as her anger grew. Chanel O was put on mute so the only sound that was unleashed upon the large living room was that of their voices. The cutains drawn,  windows closed blocking out the rain which mutated itself into a thunderstorm.  Windows rattled as the wind howled and whispered a sorrowful tune as if it felt their pain. Dark clouds blanketed the sky like a child blanketing himself from darkness, the world was engulfed in night.  Zuri peeked out the cutains
"That is one mean thunderstorm." She sipped her coffee, while coming to terms that Gemma was cursed. Lightning tore the air between the earth and sky in half for a brief moment.


Gemma ran Zuri followed . The sound of police sirens was but a distant distraction.  Zuri limped into an alleyway abd rested for a while.
"That failed." Zuri gasped.
"It wasn't so bad for a first assassination. Look how many twelve year olds assassinate and get away"  Gemma cheered.
"It was supposed to be igogoto but no Gemma  HAD to use a grenade to take out the target" Zuri complained as Gemma ripped her own apprentice coat and wrapped it around the stab wound.
"Its  INCOGNITO, in-cog-ni-to. Try to be more careful around steel next time" Gemma warned
"Thanks G."
"No prob Z."

End of flashback

  Zuri thought as another spark of lightning jumped to the ground and back into the sky.
"Hey Gemma you think the use of the grenade was justified"
Gemma giggled
" Definitely. From the first assassination, every use of grenades is justified." She responded. "You'll always have those memories when I'm gone."
"If we're gonna be doing this we must prepare. I don't want to do this. You dont want to do this. But we have to" Zuri stated in a quivering voice.

Gemma went upstairs and prepared first. She put everything she needed in one black bag. She put on her white assassins coat,  white katana slung at her back and put on a finishing touch. A hard white cat mask.
Zuri came in and did the same. Fully loaded guns, kunai's, caltrops, shuriken, arrows, you name it. They looked at each other through the masks,  one black, the other white.
"Zuri dont do this. Kill me now and live."
"I wont let you die alone."
"So you'd rather we do this then?"
"Gemma. I always imagined you go down fighting and not giving up. Yes I've envisioned you die. You die protecting me in every way. Go down in a heroic manner."

They didn't wait for the weather to subside.
"Think of it as playing-" Zuri began
"Hide and seek on-" Gemma cut
"A professional level." They said in unison before the part ways.

Hey guys thank you infinitly much for reading and hope you enjoyed. Please comment and share. Thanx for the reads. Love yall

STAY SAFE ASSASSINS you never know.

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