Chapter 56: Nefariette

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The twins amble across the now cool battle field, oblivious to the intense ever burning, surging flames and heat of Nefariette.

Lucifer is irked at the fact that his elder sister has returned. Nefariette attempts to pat Lucifer's horned head as in the past but Lucifer kicks her away.
"You've grown a pair of flaming balls huh?" Nefariette smirks.

"And that clit isn't shaven, is it?" Lucifer spat. Nefariette zooms past him.

"Little Lucifer, I'll deal with you later, right now I need to find Kolodimo." She circles back to Gemma and Zuri and whispered something before flying off.


Nefariette was leading the frontlines because she was the frontline. A one woman army against the ever surging tides of Cavendish that attempt to invade Hell and gain ultimate abd eternal life as the ruler. After all, there was one well known Cavendish, the most relentless and powerful of them all... Kolodimo.  He ambled towards the queen, fresh, kicking corpses out the way. Nefariette was half tired but could face him. At Hell's gate the duel began.

With his instant teleportation. He kicked her from behind, infront, behind again, she went flying. Her intense gaze caught him and he began burning within. Apparently he split himself up and remodeled himself behind her delivering a lethal elbow to neck combo. Nefariette's neck snaps and so does Kolodimo's ribs. Nefariette absorbed his energy and made a barrier around him so hot that it incinerated anything it touch. Kolodimo used instant teleportation and due to her high intellect knew that Kolodimo would be behind her. She fashions a mace and as soon as he reappeared, took his head off.

After the battle she was weak and thats when Lucifer had absolutely no  mercy.

End of flashback

The gates if Hell creaked open at her command and there stood an old foe in a boys body.
"My senses are never wrong. They brought you back huh nefarious Nefariette." Greeted Kolodimo. Nefariette fumes so much, her heat bursts through the entire underworld.

"Didn't I kill you a couple hundred thousand years ago? No matter so called god of the Cavendish. I'll do it again at full power this time." Nefariette states. Eye sockets open up on both her palms and forehead revelling black eyes of the true devil queen, Nefariette.

Instant teleportation aids Kolodimo as he kicked Nefariette's neck but his foot goes through. Nefariette, from behind, delivers a lethal elbow to neck combo.

"The demonic energy manipulation is very powerful when it comes to illusions." The queen smirked and pummeled the Cavendish into the ground. Nefariette easily touched his face with her eye having hand and allowed him to get up.

Cavendish lightning headed her way, she simply dodged and returned it with a better one. His best friend in battle instant teleportation, above the queen but soon the queen was above her, not to mention the instantaneous teleportation was on fleek as to say. An axe kick was the next thing Cavendish Kolodimo got from the slender, scorching goddess. He got up, seeing Nefariette had distanced herself. He clicks his fingers and a deadly vacuum opened behind her, Nefariette closed it by clicking her fingers.
"Kolodimo, give up. I have everything you have but mine is better. I even had mercy. I didn't confiscate your power."

Kolodimo wad furious and with one glare from the great Nefariette, he boiled up from inside.
"Never, I'd rather..." his head was on the ground, spewing gooey blood and Nefariette finished the statement.
"Die. I know." She took a confident deep breath and said

"No, where has Lucifer gone. To earth or so I sense."

Cavendish Metsi and Mullo oddly had a tougher time than usual. In fact the twins captured them. A majestic archangel descended upon them with a glorious golden light upon its wings. It landed amongst them abd spoke with a spellbinding voice.

"Dont be deceived by those whom you've met. All will betray you so tis best to betray them first. And Gemma, you've done this dead Astra proud, you too Zuri. Now just dont die. All th Astras are cheering for you from the place up above. Do us proud, twins of yin and yang."

Devils Assassin :Whitebladeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن