Chapter 39: Twinning

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The young night gradually reached its peak about an hour away from its peak. Mullo consistently applied heat and pressure until Zuri's eyes rolled to the back of her skull.
"Its done, Mullo. She is under your control." Kolodimo ordered.
He removed his hands, revealing a bloody spiral formation of dots on her forehead.

Gemma couldn't get past the Cavendish, mainly because he trapped her. The sphere was the closest thing to impenetrable. Anger boiled up inside her but as much as she tried, her efforts were in vain.

"Now Zuri, fight alongside Gemma." Mullo whispered. Zuri's eyes rolled forward, the t-rex mouth opened and the girl walked out with the beast dispersing as she did so. The spiral formation of dots still tattooed on her forehead. Her eyes were pitch-black all over, her lips dry and her breathing came out in short rasps.

-Metsi, release her ...its time-  Kolodimo instructed. From the shadows of the room, the Xstream brothers arose. Zuri ran outside in the cold midnight air, where she met Gemma.
"Gemma you came." Zuri erupted in joy, embracing her sister.
"I taught you well, you're okay." Gemma held Zuri tighter when an ice shard shot past them.

"Stop being skinny so I wont miss." Xavier warned.
The twins pulled apart.
"Teacher? Coldblooded son of thot is tryna kill us." Zuri spat. Gemma clenched her sword and confidence swirled within her knowing she was with Zuri. She felt invincible.
"Lets do this Z."
"Alright G."

A rooftop of an old, outcasted building served as a perfect battle ground. Swords clashed and raw battle instincts kicked in.

Gemma used the ice users face as a launch pad, backflipping into the air. By the time his face hit the ground Gemma landed an axe kick on his head.
"You're slower than the last time we fought or have I gotten faster?" Her negative eye stole a glance at Zuri.

She pivoted on her foot to disappear from Xander's line of sight. She then grabbed the fist that was ment for her, grabbed the base of his neck and thrusts him into the concrete and snaps his arm at the elbow joint. He screeched in pain and tapped from mercy but Zuri gave him non. As a reward she ripped out chunks of his skin, devouring them whole

Gemma ripped out Xavier's throat and tried making a flute out of it before gauging out his eyes and sinked her teeth into his calf.
"Diffrent kind of delicious." Gemma comment after attempting to play the throat flute and consuming the calf.
"Yes but Gemma you have to run." Zuri warned wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Her voice strongly hinted she was scared.
"What? Why? What are you saying?" Gemma's mind suddenly swam in confusion and fear.

Three Cavendishes teleported infront of them.
"What your sister is saying is, it wont be so easy next time. You might not even make it out alive." The blue robed Cavendish mocked.
"How so." Gemma barked in anger.
"Show her Mullo." He laughed. Zuri's eyes widened in panic.
"Gemma get away! Run please listen to me." Zuri pushed Gemma away. Cavendish Mullo stepped forward.
"After this instruction you are free: Zuri kill Gemma."


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