Chapter 10

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Luke tries to think if he's ever been happier than he is now with the son of Poseidon asleep with his head laying on Luke's chest. So far his answer was no. He would've loved to have the boy awake, keeping him company, but there was good chance that once the Huntresses got here, they wouldn't get a chance to sleep until very very late, so he let Percy rest. He just sat there, rubbing circles on the boy's back and watching two birds build a nest. Nope, he's never been happier.

A twig snaps, not an accident, she's announcing her presence. If she wanted to sneak up unheard, she would have. "Luke Castellan, it's been a long time."

"Zoë Nightshade," he says, mimicking her ancient accent, "indeed it has." He carefully lifts Percy off of him and lays him on the ground. Before he's even fully stood up, the girl has him in a bone-crushing hug, all of the formalities gone.

"I missed you," she says, "we all have."

"Is everyone still here?" He asks, concerned about the girls.

She looks down at her feet, "we lost Phoebe a few months ago to the Chimera, it was very hard on everyone."

"I'm so sorry," he says, pulling her back into a hug.

"We honored her, she's in Elysium now. But who is that with you" She asks, a smirk growing on her face as she eyes the drool on Luke's shirt, "someone special?"

He looks back at the boy with a smile on his face, "hopefully. His name is Percy Jackson, he's the son of Poseidon."

"Shooting for the big leagues now, are we Mr. Castellan?" She teases. "He's cute, not my type, but cute. I'm happy for you," she says to the boy she once considered giving up immortality for, clapping him on the back. "Sorry, for interrupting you two, but you need to wake him up. This park is crawling with monsters at night, and we need to leave now to catch up with Lady Artemis and the Hunt."

He nods and walks over to sleeping boy and shakes him awake. "Just five more minutes," the sleepy boy pleads."

"Come on Perce, there's someone I want you to meet," he says, pulling him to his feet and giving him a quick kiss on his forehead.

"Well," he says, blushing slightly, "I guess if I have to wake up, that's a pretty a nice way to do so."

"Perce," Luke says, motioning to the silent third party, "this is Zoë Nightshade, Hunter of Artemis."

She extends her hand to the boy, who -after blushing even more because he realized what she had just seen- accepted the handshake.

"Come on both of you," she says sternly, "we need to get going."

"And where is it you think you're going sweety?" A voice hisses, "I think you three need to stay. The party's just begun."

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