Chapter 11

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"And where is it you think you're going sweety?" A voice hisses, "I think you three need to stay. The party's just begun."

"Yeah, we wouldn't want you to miss out on any of the fun," another voice joins in.

"Especially you, Perseus Jackson," hisses a third voice. Luke looks over at the boy whose face was as pale as fresh snow.

They turned around and were face-to-face with the three Furies.

"Percy, how do they know you?" Zoë asks nervously.

The scared boy lifts his hand and points to the monster in the middle, "she was my teacher at my last school, but I killed her," he says timidly. "How ... how are you back?" he asks the creature.

"Ah, young half-blood," she cackles, "there is so much that you don't know, that you'll never get to know. We belong to Hades, and we never stay gone for very long."

Zoë stepped forward, putting herself between the boys and the Furies. "Why are you here?" She asked, "we have done nothing to invoke Lord Hades, you have no grounds to attack us."

"Stupid girl," the one on the left answered, "we're not here for you or the son of Hermes. Give us Perseus Jackson, and you will not be harmed."

"Why do you want the boy?" She questioned, drawing her bow. If she she shot fast enough, she get two of them down before they took her out. It would give Luke and Percy a fighting chance to make it to Lady Artemis.

"Ms. Nightshade," the middle one said, sounding eerily like a teacher, causing Percy to shudder, "we strongly reccomend you lower your weapon if you want to get out of this alive." She lowered her bow, but kept it drawn. "Good. Now the reason we want the boy is quite simple actually: Lord Hades is absolutely livid at both of his brothers for breaking the sacred oath, and he demands penance. He wants the soul of the boy, and you're going to give him over to us."

"And what if we don't let you have him," Luke says, stepping in front of Percy.

"Then you'll just have die," the one on the right snaps.

Zoë sunk an arrow into the middle Fury, vaporizing it right before it's talons reached her face; unfortunately, she wasn't as lucky with the other two.

Luke screamed with rage before plunging his sword into one's back. He swiped at the last one, but she disarmed him. She was about to pounce, and Percy wouldn't be able to reach him in time. Luke turned his head and prayed to the gods that Percy would be able to defend himself.

His end never came; his savior, a volley of silver arrows. The huntresses had arrived.

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