Chapter 19

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Percy's POV (3rd person limited)

It was dark, and it was so cold, especially his right foot, since there was no shoe. Why was there no shoe? Where was he? Percy began to panic, fumbling around wildly in the dark. He tried to stand up, but the minute he tried, he hit his head on something metal.

"Luke!" He called into the darkness, "Luke, where are you? Are you ok? Luke!" There was no answer

He remembered almost nothing; he remembered being jolted awake by something crashing into the plane. He didn't even remember hitting the ground. He began to panic again. What if Luke didn't survive the crash? What if he landed in the bay and drowned? Or what if the thing that brought them here -for that is surely what caused them to crash- took Luke somewhere else, and was torturing the boy. He sat on the floor of the cage and began to cry.

He sat there whimpering, waiting for whatever horror that trapped him here to come back and finish him off and send him to meet the other two members of his quest. Except, he probably wouldn't meet up with Clarisse and Luke when he died. The two had been on quests before, and were both heroes in their own respects, they surely were sent to Elysium. What exactly had he done? He wasn't going to the Fields of Punishment, because he's never done anything wrong, but how could he make it to Elysium? It was a place for heroes who did great things and saved people. All he's done is kill a some oversized spiders, ride a few trains, crash an airplane, and cause the deaths of four people. Maybe Asphodel wouldn't be that bad, it's not like he'd remember any of this. He'd have no memory of his mother, or camp, or Luke, he wouldn't remember everything he's done. Maybe an eternity of emptiness was what he needed, maybe it's what he deserved.

Percy layed down in the cage for what seemed like hours, drifting in and out of sleep. He deduced that he had to be inside or underground, because the sun surely would have come up by now. He thought he heard footsteps, but wrote them off as just figments of his imagination that was bored after being in the dark for so long. Then someone turned on the lights.

They were bright, blinding lights that burnt his eyes and made them water, but eventually he adjusted to the new addition to his environment, and was actually able to see said environment.

He appeared to be in some sort of cavern, with giant spotlights placed all around it -every one of them facing him, he thought irritably. There seemed to be only one exit: a metal door that reminded Percy of the ones he had seen on a submarine in some military movie. Percy's cage wasn't the only one in the room, there were at least 15, all of them empty.

He assumed that since they turned the lights on, someone was going to come through the door, but after what felt like half an hour, he was still the sole occupant of the cave. They must be playing games with him now. It was easier to keep sane when he was in the dark. When he didn't know where he was, it was easy to imagine things like escape or rescue, now it was obvious that those were never options. He wasn't getting out of here unless whoever was in charge here let him out.

Now there was nothing left for him to do but sit and wait.


65 bars long, by 70 bars wide, by 80 bars tall. The gaps between the bars were wide enough for him to stick his arm through all the way up to the elbow; not that it mattered, there wasn't anything he could grab. That was his cage, almost new with the exception of one bent section in the upper left corner. He wasn't the first person -or thing- to be kept in here. 65: that was how many days it's felt like he's been in here. In reality, he probably hasn't even been here for 65 hours, not that his brain -driven almost mad by the neverending lights- cared, he could have been in here for 65 years for all it mattered. He just wanted something new to happen, he didn't care what it was, good or bad. If the zombified corpse of Clarisse La'Rue walked through that door, at least it would be different.

That was a lie, he did know what he wanted: he wanted Luke. Luke would know what to do, what the next step in the plan was. Percy wasn't experienced enough to complete this quest on his own, he didn't even know who Eros was. The fates really screwed up this time.

Then, there was a loud noise -it probably wasn't that loud, but his ears were anxious for any noise- and the metal door slowly swung open. A tall figure with blond hair walked through, his head down. Percy almost thought it was Luke, but his build was all wrong, the arms to thin, the shoulders too narrow, his torso lithe. The man -who was in handcuffs- was being pushed through the door by an armored blonde girl  carrying a menacing bronze spear. Following the blonde girl was.....Luke, brandishing a similar spear and body armor. The girl looked at Percy, her grey eyes seeming to stare straight into his soul, and she spoke with an icy, calculating tone.

"Perseus, it's nice to see that you're awake, I'm Annabeth Chase."

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