Chapter nine

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I let the angry tears spill over my eyes as I sprint farther away from my best friend.

Not anymore.

I make a quick decision, turning to my left on the first corner. It leads to an open area, circular like. There's a table with a pot of flowers in the center and doors on the outside leading to other rooms. A hallway leads away on the other side.

My sensitive hearing picks up on yelling from another way. They sound so close, but I know that they aren't.

My legs move quickly, burning as I haven't ran like this in a long time.

"Bella!" Darcey calls distantly.

Stupid girl. I think. I'll never trust you again.

Her voice echoes off of the walls until I'm out of range. I make it to the hallway and run faster.

Damn this house is huge.

Isabella, I told you to stay where you were! Dylan growls, his protective side coming out. It's not safe!

I hate to burst your bubble, Dylan. But staying in that room isn't the best idea ever. I answer through my thoughts. I hear his wolf growl, as I am in fact right.

I turn another corner, leading to a set of stairs. I take them two at a time, almost stumbling over my feet. I look behind me to see Kyle and Cam chasing after me, swords swinging in their holders on the boys waists. My mind fills with panic at the sight of them, my body shaking in fear.

What the hell to they need swords for?!

I jump off of the stair case and run for an open hallway again.

Find an exit. Dylan says, his voice now calm. Find an exit outside. Once you get out, sprint through the forest until you can't run anymore. With the wolf surfacing in you, you should be able to get out of their Territory.

At the end of his sentence, I swing open a wooden door and have air blow back in my face. I run out without second guessing myself.

Just get out of the Territory. I repeat in my head. Get to the forest, find Dylan.

"Isabella!" The boys yell at the same time. I grit my teeth and run down the dirt path, almost running into an elder women. She smiles knowingly at me before walking into the house.

I rush through the small village, bumping into people and shoving them out of the way. None of them growl in anger at me, just whisper one word.


"Stop her!" Noah yells. I look back to see a group of men have joined Cam and Kyle, all of them with a sword at their waist.

"Oh no" I murmur, stumbling over my feet. I catch my balance in time, running faster. When I turn back around, I bang into a hard chest. I fall backwards, but his large hand wraps around my wrist, having me hanging in mid-air.

I look up, shocked.

"Going somewhere, Bella?" Tate grits out, his eyes black. I shake my hand from his grasp, falling back with a thud. I scoot back on my butt every time he takes a step closer to me.

"Leave me alone" I whisper meekly, barely audible. I mentally punch myself, I sound so weak.

He smirks at this, leaning down in a squat position, resting his elbows on his knees. He brushes his brown hair back from his face slowly.

"I told you I didn't want to hurt you, Bella" he murmurs gently. I feel like falling into his arms and never let go at the sound of his voice.

I shake my head, those thoughts are for Dylan only.

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