Chapter ten

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I set a hand to my now burning cheek. Tate looks back to me, but I don't look up. I rub the spot that starts to hurt.

"What the hell?" I mumble to myself, looking up to Noah. He smiles at me, then to Tate. His eyes fog over in mind-link, then Tate's do to.

Run, now! Dylan says.

I turn on my heal and sprint the other way. I turn a sharp corner through a small ally in between buildings. I pop out the other side, turning to my left and running further.

I pick up on his words as he speaks to Noah. He chuckles first.

"Should we run after her?" Noah asks, his voice distant but audible.

"No" Tate laughs again. "Give her a head start first, I want to see how fast her wolf can get at this stage"

I sprint faster at his words. He's giving me the upper advantage, I had better not waste it.

I swing down a road on my right, being met with more people on the side walks. I dodge in between them, looking back every so often to see if they follow. I sigh in relief when I've almost reached the edge of the village, thinking I have a chance.

Cars stop abruptly in the road when I run across without looking. They don't honk their horns, or yell out the window, but their lips all move to one word, the word that Dylan's Pack is to call me, not Tate's.


The village has a dirt road that leads a few yards out of it, then stops at an opening in the dark forest. My sneakers slap on the dirt, crunching stones underneath them.

That's when I hear it. The sound of the boys feet slapping on the pavement with mine. They aren't in sync with mine, making me sure that it's actually there. But when I look back, no one is following.

My hearing must be playing games on me.

I get to the forest, racing in without any second thoughts.

Get out of the territory, Dylan will find me.

I sprint around trees, hoping that if they are near me, it will slow them down.

Who am I kidding, they're all werewolves, I won't be for a week.

Right in que, a large brown wolf shows up behind me, his companion beside him in grey. The wolves are slightly smaller than Dylan, it's expected because he's an Alpha.

I groan again when I see two more on my left and right. I can tell that none of them are Tate. That means he's either sent them to get me, or I'm going to get ambushed.

I can't turn, I can't go backwards. All I can do is run straight into the trap that they've set.

Unless I run faster.

I will my legs to move even faster, letting my new speed kick in from my transformation. It works, having me run just fast enough to get ahead of the wolves.

Keep going Princess, your almost there. Dylan whispers with excitement.

I giggle to myself, cutting in front of the wolves to my left. They halt to a stop so they don't run into me, eventually falling behind and not catching up.

Two down, four to go.

Something surfaces inside of me, a warm feeling that spreads out through my body. It starts in my chest, expanding until it reaches my toes and finger tips. When it does, I accelerate faster, my arms pumping, my legs sprinting.

Like I'm on fire.

I keep going, not looking behind me to see where they are, my hearing can pick up on that. I smile to myself, jumping over a fallen tree with ease and running with no stopping.

Goddess Isabella, how are you running that fast without being a wolf yet? Dylan says, amazed. I laugh out loud this time, throwing my head back as the wind blows across my face and hair. I'm not even sweating, not a drop. It's weird, considering I'm not a very active person.

But who cares?

Almost there. Dylan repeats each time I take a step. Almost there.

But I know I'm not close yet. I know that the border is still far from where I am, that he is just trying to help me get there, make me think I'm almost there so that I will run faster.

Just as the hope swells through my heart, it's gone. Replaced by the sick feeling that I'll never get out of here.

A wolf, just as large as Dylan's leaps beside me, growling at me. His dark blue coat looks softer than the others. It shines every time it hits a patch of sunshine. His eyes are dark, but I can still see the hint of color that entrances me every time I see them. His paws hit the ground at the same time my feet do. There's something in his eyes that holds mischief.

So distracted by the glorious looking wolf, my legs slow down, letting the others catch up. By the time I realize what I've done, it's too late.

I had already ran into their trap.
They took me back to the room I woke up in, locking the door and having someone stand on the outside in case I decided to run again.

I kicked the wall in anger, my breathing heavy as a small whole cracks through.

I tear apart the nice room, destroying every bit of it, starting with the T.V. I rip it from the wall and throw it to the ground as hard as I can, letting the flat screen crack into pieces. I stomp on it with fury, making sure that it won't be usable again.

Then I rip apart the bathroom. I grab the drawers from the fancy counter space and pull them from their spots, smashing them against the nice white walls. They leave impressive marks on the wall, a mark that was surely to get noticed.

I smile to myself and go back into the other room, throwing down the cabinets and ripping out clothes and tearing them to shreds with my bare hands.

By the time I was done with beautiful room, it looked like a tornado had made it's way through it. Paint was chipped on the wall, clothes were strewn across the floor, dressers were facing the ground, the drawers scattered and broken. The T.V rested on the ground with everything else, a crack down the screen.

The only thing I didn't bother to touch was the bed. The pillows were neatly set upon the duvet. Exactly how I left them this morning. I knew I'd be sleeping here for as long as it took for Dylan to save me, I might as well have been comfortable.

I also knew that when someone found out what I had done, I'd be in trouble. I didn't find myself welcome here as it was, now I've ruined someone's room, their clothes, their T.V.

They'd just have to suck it up.

I look around the room, proud of the damage I've done. Then I walk to the window seat, leaning on it as I study the world below.

The sun is still shining as if it's a good day. People milled around the large village, talking and laughing. They all looked happy, clinging to their friends with smiles.

I envy their happiness, wish in could smash it to bits. Anger consumes me once again, an emotion that I fail to know how to control. Dylan says that for Alphas, anger and lust are the hardest for them to control against their wolf. I guess it's a side effect of me changing into one.

I look at the perimeter of the window, trying to find a latch to open it. When I do, I grip it and turn it until I can push up the window and stick my hand outside. I smile wickedly at their mistake.

Though the room is way up high, I could tie the sheets and the blankets together and climb down them. But it will have to wait until night time, when less Pack members are out, less witnesses to watch my amazing escape.

Finally, the angry tears slide down my cheeks. Not from being locked up in a mansion full of werewolves, but because I know that my father will kill me if he ever finds me. And who says he even cares where I am right now? Who says that he has the police looking for me?

I can bet that he doesn't.

I shut the window tightly so no one notices it and sit comfortably on the large bed with my arms crossed behind my head. I cross my legs over each other and stare blankly at the far wall where the T.V was once mounted. Now all that there is is painted wall with a few holes drilled into it and random wires.

I will get out of here.

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