Chapter twenty-five

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The way Kyle described the pie I baked was, "holy hell I must be in heaven. Thank you God for this delicious pie" to which Cam replied, "dude, you'd never make it to heaven no matter how hard to tried" and then Tate just had to try the pie by sticking his finger in it.

It took me and Darcey two hours to make the pie, the whole time was spent talking lightly about meaningless things. The werewolf subject was still going to be a sore conversation, so we thought it was best not to bring it up.

By mid-afternoon, Violet was running around like a mad man trying to get everything ready for the movie. She's told at least half of the Pack that she gets to watch a movie with me, and the excitement shows every time she runs past me and Tate.

I spent most of the day in the kitchen with Darcey, letting Tate focus on Pack business instead of me. When I told him to leave, he growled and grumbled something before walking into his office. Darcey and me spent countless hours making fun if him while working around the other women getting food ready for the Pack members that would be joining us for dinner.

When dinner time came around, I left Darcey with Noah to find Tate. I walked around the Pack house, looking for his office. I find it on the first floor, a few halls down from the hospital wing. I knock lightly on the door and hear a gruff,

"Come in"

I open the door slightly and peek in, finding Tate with his feet on the desk and his arms behind his head, leaning back in his chair. His eyes are closed. I walk in and close the door behind me, laughing to myself.

"Pack business?" I ask. "Looks more like sleeping"

"Not sleeping. Just resting my eyes" he takes his feet off the desk and smiles at me. I stride over to his desk and sit across from him, brining my legs up on the chair.

"Dinners ready" I murmur, looking about the room. A picture of him and Violet sits on the desk. It finally hits me that they must be really close siblings. The walls are dark brown, the floor is a light hardwood and the desk is oak wood. The room smells like Tate, a scent that will never get old. It makes me think of how much time he must spend in this room, planning renovations, joining Packs and other things that he does. Soon I'll be helping him with it.

Tate stands and stretches his arms, causing his shirt to ride up. I blush and look away when I see his toned skin. He chuckles and pulls me up, wrapping his arms around my waist. I set my head on his chest and close my eyes, letting out a sigh.

This is my safe haven.

He sets his chin on my head and hums to the song from the car ride to Groves Bay. I smile to myself and look up at his emerald green eyes. Again, I can see a flash of silver dive across them, jumping from left to right, one eye to the other and then it's gone, as if it was never there. Immediately after, I see a glow of silver on Tate's face. He doesn't squint through the light and I wonder if it even bothers him like everyone else.

"It doesn't" he answers, reading my mind like Dylan did. "I find it too beautiful to look away"

He kisses my forehead gently, then reaches down for my hand. I squeeze his, and he does it back like always. We walk to the door and I reach for the door, but he suddenly pulls my hand back.

"Wait" he says. I spin to him just in time to see his head lower as he places his lips to mine. I smile against him, letting him kiss me as though his life depends on it. He did the exact same thing I did before Dylan took me, which makes me smile even wider.

Thoughts of dinner being ready leave my mind. They aren't allowed to eat until the Alpha is seated, and I have a feeling that they'll be waiting for a long time.

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