Chapter 3

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Lauren walked up the stairs as she was getting to her room. Camila left a little bit after completely waking her up to grab some smoothies with Dinah while Lauren went out for a jog.

Someone bumped into Lauren and Lauren stopped when she heard the voice that mostly irritated her.

"Sorry." Austin mocked.

Lauren turned around and rammed her hand up his chest pushing him against the wall.

"Don't push it, Austin." She warned and he loudly laughed.

"I've heard about you, you do like girls, and well, stay away from mine." Austin said trying to get out of Lauren's hold but her grip tightened at his shirt and she pushed him back.

"Did you hear me?!" He half yelled.

"No, I don't listen to douchebags." Lauren snapped.

Austin's eyes darkened and he pushed her back leaving her against the wall, she didn't have a lot of energy after her five mile run.

"Let go of me." Lauren demanded.

"Promise you'll stay away from my girl." He said ramming her shoulder into the wall as she groaned.

"Again, I don't listen to douchebags." She said as she kicked him in the stomach and he took a step back letting go of her.

"You're going to, now. If you don't then stuff will happen not to only you but to her." He said as he went in to push her but she dodged it ducking and looking back. Austin saw the perfect chance and he pushed her back into the wall grabbing her arm and twisting it holding it behind her back as she groaned in pain.

Lauren tried to use her other hand to hit him or something but it just wouldn't reach.

"Stay away from her. If you tell her I did this, bad things will come. Trust me." Austin threatened pushing Lauren's front shoulder hardly on the wall and letting go.

Lauren fell to the ground gripping her shoulder and she cried out in pain shutting her eyes. Damn that run, she thought.

Lauren pulled down the top of her shirt where her shoulder was and checked it. Lauren gritted her teeth as she saw developing black and blue bruises that were very noticeable.

Lauren stayed on the ground as she started punching the wall as her knuckles started turning red-close to releasing blood.

She released a loud breath as someone tackled her.

"LAUREN! Come on, let's get you to your room then you're talking with me. Okay?" Normani said staring at Lauren.

"Normani, let go of me!" Lauren cried out flailing her arms around and Normani refused keeping a hold of her.

"Please." Lauren begged closed to tears.

"LAUREN!" Lauren heard a heavenly voice and her head shot up to find Camila.

"What's over there? Holy shit!" Dinah's voice cried out.

Camila went down to eye level with Lauren.

Camila grabbed Lauren's flailing arms and stared into her eyes.

"Sh, stop. Calm down, Lo." Camila said in a low voice and Lauren stopped.

"C'mon." Camila said grabbing Lauren's hand, careful not to touch her knuckles and let her get up as they walked to Lauren's dorm.

As soon as they went inside Lauren's dorm, Lauren went to her bunk and laid down.

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