Chapter 8

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"She sounds amazing, I'm happy." Sinu said as Camila ended talking about how she felt about Lauren which was a lot of amazing things which made her mom happy.

"..You're not mad that I like a girl?" Camila asked happily.

"Of course not, she makes my daughter happy and that's all I could ask for. Now what's her full name?"

"Lauren. Lauren Jauregui."

"I need to meet her someday, I wanna see the girl giving you that beautiful smile on your face that I never saw when you were with Austin." Sinu said as Camila grinned, hugging her mom.

"I finished my homework Kaks! Let's play." Sofi yelled running down the stairs as Camila bit her lip, smiling as she ran over to Sofi.


Camila came home late at night and quickly showered. As soon as she dried her hair, she went in her room and saw a smiling Lauren staring at her.

"Lo," Camila smiled.

"Hey Camz, I was waiting for you to get home. I wanted to make sure you got here safe. Wait...not home, I mean our right now." Lauren quickly said the last parts out as Camila gave a raspy laugh which Lauren loved.

"Go to sleep, it's 1 am in the morning, silly."

"Go to sleep with me." Lauren said.

"Nah," Camila said with a wink.

"Don't "nah" me. C'mere." Lauren said flailing her arms at Camila and scooting over to the left side of the bed to make room for Camila.

A thundering clap was heard outside and Camila yelped as she hurriedly ran to Lauren. Miami had some bipolar weather.

"Does thunder frighten you?" Lauren asked curiously amused.

"A bit." Camila confessed as Lauren laughed pulling Camila to her chest as she hugged the smaller girl.

"You're safe here, it's okay." Lauren muttered as she kissed Camila's temple.

"I'm always safe with you..." Camila said sleepily before snuggling more into Lauren and letting her fall asleep.

Could I be the girl Camila likes..? You have a chance!...or maybe not. Okay, Lauren, stop thinking to yourself and go to sleep. Okay. Alright. Sleep.


Camila sat on Jade's bed and Jade sat on a black chair across from her as the two started on their project.

1. Get to know the person with these following questions. Add on more that aren't within these questions if you'd like when you're done answering all these.

Jade read out step number one and looked at Camila.

"Okay, how about we do back and forth, so it'll be faster? I mean I love hanging out with you and stuff, it's great, you're great, but let's get this project done." Jade said with a small smile.

"You're great too and sounds great." Camila said as the two looked down at their paper reading the first questionnaire that was connected with step one.

A. What are their hobbies? Things they like to do? Is there any place they "hang out" to do that?

"Okay, so go ahead and answer first, if you'd like." Jade said and Camila nodded.

"Singing. I love singing, that's it really. I usually sing all cooped up in my room since I'm way too shy to actually sing in front of a bunch of people, or person, really." Camila confessed and Jade grinned as she wrote notes on what Camila said.

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