Chapter 6

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Camila started to heat up and she glared at Celine. Camila felt jealous. At that moment, Camila realized she really did like Lauren.

"Oh," Camila only said speechlessly as her words were caught in her throat.

She didn't know whether to rant about it or ask questions or pretend to be happy that Lauren found someone or someone again.

Can Celine keep Lauren stable when she is frustrated like I can? Can she even keep her stable when she's just angry? Or in a brawl mode? Camila thought to herself.

Normani took out her phone and sent a text to Lauren.

-what are you doing at the diner with Celine?! GIRLY!

Almost immediately, Normani saw Lauren look down and saw her thumbs typing as she got a reply.

-....Are you here?! MANI, wtf? Where are you?

Normani saw Lauren looking around her left and right as she sighed.

-behind you, idiot !

Lauren's head whipped back and saw the four sitting there, eating while she saw Normani staring her down.

-Meet me in the bathroom, like now.

Normani made an excuse to leave and the girls nodded as they kept on talking. Normani made her way in the bathroom and saw Lauren pacing around.

"What are you doing here with Celine?! Camila looked disappointed when she found out Celine was your ex and the two of you were holding hands!" Normani exclaimed and Lauren put her hands up.

"I can explain that," Lauren said holding Normani's shoulder.

"I'm waiting, Laurenza." Normani tapped her foot up and down, making small pitter patter sounds that echoed off the bathroom walls.

"Okay, well, long story short. She called me up, told me she needed my help making someone jealous, I denied, and she brung up this thing where I told her I'd always be there for her when we were dating." Lauren easily said because it was the truth and it wasn't anything nerve wracking to say.

"...and was Camila really disappointed thinking I was together with someone?" Lauren's eyes brightened up.

"Don't make it too touchy, jealousy thing then....and yes, she couldn't even really speak after she muttered a simple "oh."" Normani said and Lauren smiled.

The two exited the bathroom and went back to their tables as Lauren saw Celine talking to Vero at her table and they looked happy.

Lauren took out her phone and pulled out Camila's contact name and sent a text to her.

-I love you, sleep in my bed tonight, I swear it's comfy

Lauren looked over at Camila and saw Camila on her phone as she saw a tiny smile come on Camila's lips.

-why don't you tell your ex girlfriend that? :))))

Lauren looked at the text and slightly frowned as she furrowed her eyebrows.

-Because you're the only one I want sleeping in my bed and the only one to cuddle with(: see you at home Camz

Celine came back to the table and almost instantly Vero squealed upon seeing the sight of Lauren.

"Lauren! Thank you! I have a girlfriend now," Celine said hugging Lauren and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Lauren," Vero smiled as Lauren retaliated with a smile also.

Stable (camren)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें