First trial

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Waking up in a strange place, surrounded by strange people is one thing. Knowing how or why you were there is entirely different. Wouldn't it be so convenient if I knew either of those things? I can't seem to recall anything though.

There are strange people staring at me. All seated around a dim fire that seems to be struggling to stay alive, despite the plentiful fuel and oxygen it has.

The Male to my left speaks first "Who are you? What's your name?" At first I didn't answer him, for I wasn't sure how to answer his questions. I slowly sat up and fully took in my surroundings.

Darkness seemed to never end, beyond the small camp fire these people sat around. The only sounds I could hear, was the gentle crackling of the fire and now the murmuring of the other people, quietly talking to each other, while giving concerned glances in my direction. Its eerily quiet in this forest. There's no sounds of life to be heard.

Perhaps I should answer this man? Who am I though? What is my name? A cool gust of wind blows past me and a whisper can be heard in my ear. I turn to the man who has so patiently waited for my response to his questions. "My name is ( ) I'm not sure who I am or why I'm here." I pause for just a moment "Where is here? Who are you?"

I finally take in his appearance. The first thing I see, is that he's covered in dirt and dried blood. As a matter of fact...they all are. I count 10 faces around the fire, 5 male and 5 female. All covered in blood and dirt. Wearing worn clothes.

The Male next to me who identifies himself as Dwight is holding his hand out for me to shake. He seems friendly enough. Glasses adorn his face over his brown eyes. Tentatively I grip his outstretched hand. "Nice to meet you (____). As for your other question. We don't exactly know where here is, but you can't leave. The entity won't let you. Outside the campfire is nothing, you can run away from it, but you'll end up back here." I stare at him quizzically at the mention of an entity. Retracting my hand from his, I open my mouth to ask another question, but the red headed woman next to him interjects "Don't scare her Dwight. We don't know for sure there's no way out" He sighs and turns his body to face her "Meg she should know what we're dealing with. I know I would have liked some insight to my situation when I got here"

The red head I now know as meg starts to argue further when a black mist starts swirling around my feet up towards my body. Suddenly jumping up I cry out "What's happening?!" I see three others with the same fate as I, before the mist consumes me and I'm left stranded in what appears to be an abandoned mine? Its decrepit and old. Rotting wood and boarded windows.

Deciding to explore my surroundings, I walk down the hallway I'm in. To my right are some lockers and an exit. Further down I see a chest and what appears to be the part of the mine that collapsed, but there's a basement? Following my better judgement, I decide to open the chest to see if theres anything useful inside.

Just as I begin to walk up the ramp I feel my heart beat pick up and the hair on the back of my neck sticks up. I stand for a few seconds and it gets louder and there's grunting? Briskly walking down into the basement I decide to hide, gasping at the scene in front of me. A large pole with 4 large hooks adorned to each side, the floor is splattered with blood. My heart is beating loudly in my chest and hear foot steps descending the stairwell. Quickly I run to the far end of the basement and step into one of the lockers and close it as quietly as I can.

Someone is struggling and suddenly an ear piercing scream is heard and the sound of bones crunching reaches my ears. I clasp my hand over my mouth to hold in the vomit that threatens to spill over. After a few seconds I recover from shock and the heart beat slowly fades. Exiting the locker as quietly as possible I run around to see a man with a scruffy beard and shaggy hair on one of the hooks. Its dull edge sticking through his shoulder.

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