Its over

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The revolting physical form of the entity was something nobody should ever have to see.  Describing it was something that would make you vomit with each passing descriptive word.  A disgusting mass of tangled limbs and distorted faces, screaming to be released from the torment. The stench was overwhelming, it made every living thing within 10 feet of it curl up and die. The blackness of death spread around it as it dripped its disgusting slime on the ground blow it. Could you even say it was a physical form at all? Just a floating mass of pure evil. Keeping past victims captive, feeding off an almost limitless supply of fear. The urge to run away was nagging at you. Turn and run, don't look at it, stay alive and don't let it catch you.  Why couldn't you run? Paralyzed in fear, you couldn't look away no matter how much you begged your body to move away from it. Tears streaming down your face you didn't know if they were from your fear or if the smell was making your eye water. Michael seemed stuck in place, but he wasn't in shock like you were. He had seen this before. The creature who tortured him in his nightmares and teased him with hope and beauty, was before him. Just as Michael reached out to grab you, the most disgusting, warped shriek came from the entity as it started to charge. 

Michael grabbed you by the arm and ran in the opposite direction, upriver.  Your legs were moving on their own volition. It started to burn, but you didn't dare stop. The deep screeching of the entity forced you forward, half running half dragged behind Michael. A glance back at it was all the motivation you needed to run faster away. The tree that you had seen as a sapling had grown into a magnificent willow tree, whose leaves gently dipped into the once raging river that was now as gentle as a mothers embrace, was dead. Black and shriveled, there wasn't anything left of the tree. The river that fed it was a black void, still and terrifying. One misplaced step into the river and you would fall down through the never-ending darkness and drown. The world around you was crumbling. Still, the shrieking didn't stop and the grass under you was starting to turn black. Michael pulled you faster forward as you cried out that it was gaining on you. How long could you keep running like this? There wasn't any way out of here. The land started to change around you. The river ended with the meadow along with it. An ongoing match at The Thompson disturbed by Michael dragging you through the cornfield, the entity not far behind.  

The corn vanished around the entity, exposing the bodies of the hiding survivors. They won't come back this time. Micheal ran right towards leather face who stood and stared at the thing chasing them. The cannibal saw you and raised his weapon to swing at you. Michael barreled through him and pulled you away. No mercy was shown to the cannibal when the entity passed over him, his life was cut short with extreme prejudice. "GET US OUT OF HERE!" you screamed at Michael. "Just trust in me, my dear." He said. The only time you had heard him out of breath. He ran straight for the hatch. He ripped it off its hinges and shoved you into it.  You fell through the hatch and fell into another map. The way you fell hurt. Your aching, bruised and battered body wouldn't respond to your commands to keep running. Thundering heartbeat in your ear warned you of the killer approaching you. David king stopped in front of you. He beckoned you to get up and run. He took a hit from the doctor who turned to you with those eyes, pried open. Mouth in a permanent, twisted grin. Grabbed hold of you and you screamed like never before. Your cracked ribs stabbing into your lungs when he placed you onto his shoulder. Your Belting screams covered the sound of Michael falling through the sky and hitting the ground with a crash. He was up sprinting towards you immediately. you stopped screaming long enough for the doctor to hear his thunderous footsteps. He turned enough for Michael to grab him around the waist and take him down. You hit the ground again, the air knocked out of your lungs. David came and started to drag you away while the two killers rolled, throwing punches and trying to kill each other. He was screaming for help and the other 3 survivors came running. Claudette, Nea, and Quentin. Quentin and Claudette had medkits and worked on patching you up. Everyone looked up when they heard a deep scream come from where Michael was fighting with the doctor. His electroshock therapy works on other killers, he was sending shock waves at Michael while retreating.  He was missing his weapon and oozing a fair amount of blood. 

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