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Theres nothing here. Empty, black, space. I've been staring into nothingness, but it seems blurred and out of focus. How long have I been here? I dont even know how I got here, or where here is...

All I can remember is Michael...and a sharp pain. Blood everywhere. It hurts! Make it stop! Help me Michael! The holes in my chest are still oozing blood, why couldn't I feel it before?  Why are my thoughts coming into focus now?!

I cant move, I'm not strong enough. It's not an empty blackness, it's like a brick wall. The blood seeping out of my wounds is being absorbed by the darkness above me.

It feels like I'm sinking. Deeper into the darkness. Blood running down o
my face. Above me is up, if I could just move my limbs. I cant even scream for help. I haven't been breathing.

I'm in the entity's realm, so maybe I dont need to breath. This could be my punishment for being with michael. Why hasn't he saved me?! Michael help! Please!

The sharp pain in my chest, feels like I'm being stabbed over and over again. Michael! I can see it, but it's has to be a trick.

He would never hurt me... He....wouldn't just...stab me...
He loves me...

I'm dead aren't I?

How can I be dead, but still conscious? Maybe this is my punishment. To 'live' and know that my love killed me.

My wounds sting. It feels like my flesh is being pulled together by a thread. Maybe I'm in a hospital high off my ass on pain medication?

Its numb. Everything is numb, but I can feel my arms and legs now. I can move them, sort of? I'm trapped under something.

Panicking now

Oh my god I can breathe. No I cant, theres no air! Help me! Somebody help me! It's in my eyes! I cant claw fast enough. Dirt, it feels like dirt! Was I buried alive! HELP ME! MICHEAL HELP ME!

I can barely hear thundering steps. Its getting louder, someone is coming. I have to scream for help again. I cant breathe, I'm going to die!

They're right on top of me now, loud thundering steps. HELP ME PLEASE!
The last of the oxygen I had. My chest is convulsing as my lungs start to collapse from pressure.

I cant breathe and I cant see anything. Please. I hope they get to me in time. A pair of fingers brush my face as they frantically dig me out of the dirt.

Sweet air rushes into my lungs and those few gasping breaths feel too good to be true. My eyes adjust to the darkness. A sky full of stars and a tree. A weeping willow, a knife jammed into the tree trunk and the sound of a river.

Michael...he came back for me. He came to save me. His mask has been discarded and his knife is lodged into the tree. "Michael" I call out to him. His frantic digging stops and he looks at me, tears streaming down his face.

He says nothing when he pulls me out of the grave, but holds me to his chest.
Warm tears fall from his face and I can feel his pain. I should be angry. I should scream at him and run away.

Even if i had the strength to do so....I dont think I could.  I'm frightened, but now that I'm here In his arms, I know nothing can hurt me. Not even the entity. I feel safe again.

I feel alive again.


Hey guys sorry it's been so long since I've updated, I've been super busy and just lacking the motivation to write anything. I'm back to writing though. I'll probably only have chapters out on my days off though. So once or twice a week. Sorry, I work a lot and during the week, if I'm not working I'm probably sleeping. I'll really try to get this story finished up though. Yes I'm still gonna do those little animations, but my little yoga book pissed me off and the application I was using was making me hecka mad, so I kinda threw it down and said fuck it for a while.

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