Chapter 6 // Personal Maid

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Aiko walked out; her body overcome by fury. Her hand was tight against her side and curses were pushing against her tightly closed lips. "I hate him," She hissed under her breath since she didn't want to be executed for insulting the Emperor. She'd met him for a few minutes, and he'd managed to rank himself as one of the worst people she'd met. And she had experience.

Aiko stormed towards the end of the dark hallway. Her rage was still burning in her stomach, a thick coil of warmth. "I'll also have to see him tomorrow!" She cried, desperate, the idea of seeing his face again draining her energy.

I'll sleep this over and hope to not have a migraine tomorrow, Aiko thought. She was too tired; she needed to sleep. Aiko looked around, her eyes widening. "Where am I?" She asked herself, realizing she had no idea where she was. She had run away from the Royal chambers without paying attention to her surroundings.

Aiko felt hot tears threaten to spill down her cheeks. She rubbed her eyes hastily, hoping to shoo the tears away. As she moved her hand away, she sighed as she realized she had irritated them. 

She plopped down on the rigid wood, exhausted. A small shelf, with a Ming Vase resting on top of it, sheltered her head. Aiko leaned against the uncomfortable wall. She sent a prayer to her mother. Please help me out in these days, she begged silently, as the tears rolled down her cheeks. Aiko tried to fall asleep, which was hard to do, her body already starting to ache. She hugged her knees, sighing in despair.

Aiko heard shrill laughter pierce her dreams, dismissing them. Aiko woke up, startled. Her eyes opened with difficulty as her neck ached. Her hair was a complete mess, sticking out of her bun. Her eyes slowly focused on two women, their hazy outlines becoming clear.

They were standing in front of her. Two striking women, to say the least. They were clothed in beautiful kimonos that had been carefully hand made. Heavy makeup covered the imperfections on their faces, making them seem like white faces with only nostrils and eyes. An excessive amount of jewellery weighed them down. They were covering their mouths with their sleeves and laughing mockingly.

It took a few, maybe too long, seconds to realize she was the target of their mocking. Aiko quickly stood up. She bumped her head on the shelf. She bowed down, groaning internally as the bump formed on her head. Aiko quickly scanned their clothes assessing their Royal rank. They were generals' wives: the pin of the God of War that rested on their sleeves confirmed her hypothesis. The pin was worn to show their appreciation to the God that provided their husbands with jobsq21§. "How can I help you, My Ladies?" She asked.

The two women stepped back, their kimonos rustling. "Oh my, the smell!" One of them giggled. Her earrings tinkled, reflecting the light that streamed through a badly shut window. The other one waved her kimono sleeve in front of her nose. "I don't think she knows what a bath is," Aiko felt her hands curl in anger. It seemed that degrading people already lower in status than you was a common pastime in this castle.

The two women were about to mock her again, when footsteps stopped them, and the wonderful figure of the Emperor came into view. The light from the window shone brightly behind him.

His eyes were clear, and pure, different from the darkness they had harboured last night. Something familiar glimmered inside them. They sparked a memory she couldn't quit remember. She knew she had seen them before somewhere.

The Emperor came closer. He caught sight of Aiko, standing in the shadows. Her hair, even though disheveled, beautiful. The only ray of light reaching her spilled on her left eye, bringing out the flecks the Emperor had noticed the night before.

The two other women were already bowing, so low their long hairs brushed the floor. Aiko didn't move, too busy trying to remember where she had seen those eyes lost in the labyrinth of her memory. One of the two women noticed her standing and gasped in horror. Her hand gripped her kimono, yanking her down. Her knees buckled as she hit the ground. "Stupid maid, you have to bow!" She hissed, wrapping her hand in Aiko's hair. She made her tumble to the ground, pushing her lower than herself.

The Emperor watched with amused eyes, a Cheshire grin spreading on his features. He was clearly excited about the show. He walked to the woman that had yanked her hair and motioned for her to stand up, flicking his wrist.

The woman did so quickly, letting go of Aiko's hair.
"Lady Daiki, if I may ask, what was the reason for that?" He asked, calmly, his voice smooth.

"Your Majesty, she didn't bow down even while Your Majesty's holy presence glorified us," she replied, her eyes low. 

The Emperor chuckled, his laugh resonating in the small corridor. Aiko looked up, a hand in her hair, trying to understand where the Emperor was going with this.

"Oh Lady seems your intelligence doesn't increase with your wealth." He laughed, closing his eyes. She blinked, feeling insulted. "Aiko is my personal maid." the Emperor said, his eyes turning coal black. "And being my personal maid," he approached his face to hers, a cold grin appearing on his face. "She has every right to stand while in my presence."

Daiki trembled as she realised her mistake, her eyes shutting in fear. Aiko looked at the Emperor, shocked. "I sincerely apologise." Daiki said. The Emperor smiled coldly, disinterested. "Leave." He sighed, having lost interest in this woman.
Daiki scuttled away, followed by her friend. They quickly disappeared.

Aiko hadn't heard the apology; it hadn't even been directed to her, rather to the Emperor to live for another day. She had only heard, Personal Maid. The maid that permanently stayed close to the Emperor. She had the closest room to the Emperor and became his shadow. She stood up, her heart slowing down. Her eyes were low. "Your Majesty, I...I am not your personal maid." She said quietly. If she became his personal maid, there wouldn't be a chance for her to escape. Aiko would be bound here forever.

The Emperor laughed. "Oh...yes you are," He chuckled.

(Credits to the rightful owner of the picture)

(Credits to the rightful owner of the picture)

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