Chapter 75//Birthing Room

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And so the months passed. Aiko's belly grew every time, starting to swell extremely under her kimonos. The Emperor made sure people didn't swarm around her too much but he didn't leave her completely unattended either.

Aiko was now sitting down in her room, her maids leaning against the wall and observing her every move. Her large, nine month belly was obstructing her. The Emperor had gone to a meeting, leaving her alone, not before he had kissed her and promised her he would be back in no time.

Aiko had huffed and pushed him out of the room, sick of having him always around.

'Finally!' She thought to herself, sitting comfortably on the pillow which rested near the open screen doors. The view was beautiful. It was spring, the flowers starting to bloom and the Sakura blossoms opening to the world and painting the garden with their wonderful colors and delicate petal rains.

Aiko felt attracted to the pink rain underneath the Sakura trees. She slowly stood up, waving off the helpful, yet annoying, maid who had jumped to her side, ready to lift her up. Aiko slipped her sandals on her feet, only to kick them away after a second of consideration. She stepped on the stepping stones and grass with her bare feet, happily feeling the damp ground underneath her feet. Aiko skipped happily to the tree, clearly mocking the panicked maids which observed her from the door.

Aiko stepped under the tree, lifting her palm up and giggling like a child as it was filled with flakes of pink, sweet snow. She sat down on the floor, looking up. The petals fell gently down on her loose hair, intertwining with her strands.

She felt happy under the tree. It felt like a different world, beautiful and mesmerizing. The Sakura blossoms were delightful. Just seeing them reminded Aiko of the few times her Uncle had taken her to the spring dances to observe the mysterious geisha dance with their fans swirling in their hands.

Aiko was so lost in thought, she didn't realize she had started rubbing her stomach. The baby decided to kick against her hand. Aiko looked down, smiling warmly, before the baby kicked again, harder. This time, it was borderline painful. The pain started spreading from the area where the baby kicked to her whole stomach. Aiko gasped in pain, placing her hand on her stomach. She doubled over, falling to the floor. Sweat started sliding down her back, her forehead burning.

The maids rushed to her, stumbling to assist her. One of them held onto her arm, helping her.
"Your Majesty, what is the problem? Should we call the herbalist?" She asked, ordering another maid to fan her. Aiko shook her head, pointing to the steps leading to the room. She needed to sit down for a minute. The maids crowded around her, Eriko sitting next to her and wiping her forehead.

After a few more minutes of silence and labored breaths, Aiko spoke. Her voice was so strained, no one managed to understand her words.

"Your Majesty?" Eriko asked, leaning closer, worried that she wouldn't hear her again. Aiko inhaled, collecting all of her sparse strength to reformulate the sentence and speak it again.

"Take me to the...Birthing Room," she panted once more, finally being heard by the maids round her. "The coming," Aiko added, sweat running down her neck.

Those two sentences brought a deafening silence on the crowd of women. No one moved and everyone was looking at each other until Eriko woke from her shock. She dropped the towel on the floor. "Call the herbalist and someone help me get Her Majesty up!" She ordered cooly.

Everyone immediately started moving, doing everything which had been just said. Aiko leaned against the maids, groaning. The trip wasn't far, but it sure seemed like it. Every step was torture and more pain pierced her stomach. The corridors were long and stuffy. The doors started to become visible.
Finally, the three maids which had been supporting her laid her down on the futon in the, pale room. The Birthing room didn't have any decorations except a shrine dedicated to the god of childbirth. Everything was left bland to not distract the Empress as she gave birth. This seemed highly stupid, especially to Aiko since she wanted something to distract her from the pain in her lower belly at the moment.

The only thing which kept her from screaming out in pain was the thought that the Emperor would soon be by her side. His soft voice murmuring in her ear and telling her everything would be alright.

The herbalist came in, followed by the mid-wife, an old woman with grey hair and many wrinkles decorating her face. She had seen many births in the palace; Aiko trusted her completely. She immediately sat down and lifted the Empress' skirts, spreading her legs to check on her. The room was silent. "She's not not ready. We need to wait," she said sternly.

Aiko groaned, the sweat pooling around her neck was getting annoying. Eriko noticed and started gently dabbing her skin with a water soaked towel. How could she endure this pain for much longer? It felt like something was ripping her apart down there.
"It hurts," she whined softly, wanting to have the love of her life next to her. It felt empty without him.

Eriko smiled warmly, hoping to reassure her.
"It's soon going to be over, Your Majesty," she said gently, trying to soothe the woman.

"Aiko!" A soft voice called, coming from the door. It was sudden and disrupted the quiet in the room, but, it felt like a gush if fresh air. Aiko opened her eyes, trying to get the sweat out of the way.

"Tachikaba?" She whimpered, not completely sure.

"Yes! Yes it's me, darling!" The other woman whispered, sitting down next to her. The two women had become great friends during her pregnancy.

Every day, she would go visit Aiko and they would have lovely chats until sundown. Aiko was relieved that she was there. The pain in her stomach was augmenting but she still wasn't ready.

"W-when...when is Hisato...c-coming?" She asked, her breaths labored. She needed him. Eriko cleared her throat, glancing at the Empress.

"His Majesty shouldn't be in the birthing room," she said, as kindly as possible. Aiko's eyes opened wide in shock. She wouldn't have her husband next to her during this crucial moment. Tears of pain and sadness welled in her eyes. Just the thought of not having him next to her was making the pain more intense.

"I want Hisato next to me!" Aiko said, starting to shake. Tears dripped out of her eyes, rolling down the sides of her face.

Eriko dried them quickly, hoping it would make her feel better. "It's not allowed by the protocol," Eriko cooed again, wetting her collarbone.

"I want my husband! Now!" She shrieked suddenly, filling the room with her voice. Tachikaba, squeezed her hand, looking at the maid.

"Go get Hisato, for goodness' sake! Go, before she has a heart attack!" She ordered, taking the towel from Eriko's hand, taking her place, dabbing at the Empress' skin. Eriko nodded, standing up and sprinting out of the door. Aiko couldn't stop mumbling her husband's name, waiting for his arrival.

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