Chapter 14 // Threaten

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Aiko's world blackened. She couldn't breathe.
She thought she could see the shadows reaching out to her and trying to drag her down into hell. A lump formed into her throat; she felt like her heart stop. Her hand moved to her chest, trembling. "No!" Aiko yelled, tears of anger swimming in her eyes.

The Emperor's dark gaze drank in her broken expression, a small smile gracing his lips. He leaned closer, grasping the sheets near her body, and almost touching her leg. Aiko noticed and crawled to the corner of the bed, escaping his claws. She seemed like she was in a trance, shaking her head and repeating 'no'.
Her neck ached every time she shook her head. Aiko's eyes widened as the pain spiked in her neck. It blinded her for a few moments. Tears rolled down her reddened cheeks

The Emperor frowned as she was in pain. "How annoying," he drawled. He snatched the bowl with the medicinal cream and pulled it closer.
He passed his hand in the creamy substance. Aiko, terrorised, backed away. "I just want to put this on your neck. Don't complain." He ordered.

Aiko eyed the cream, worried it was some type of poison. But she couldn't see the point in that. If he wanted to do something to her, no one would stop him. She bunched up her hair. He started massaging the sore area. His hands were cold, but gentle, Aiko realized. The Emperor noticed when Aiko winced.

The Emperor's eyes slid down to her maid kimono. "I'll get you a new kimono immediately." He said: if Fumi saw her dressed like this, she would immediately object, saying she was nothing more than a maid, and take the chance to throw another woman at him. That couldn't happen. He refused to be controlled by his sister.

Aiko was still shocked, not being able to utter a single word.

Aiko turned to the side, her brow furrowing. The Emperor stopped applying the cream and looked up as well.

There were muffled yells coming from outside. The noise was seeping through the crack in the doors. Aiko tried to peek and see who it was, but she couldn't see anyone.

The doors burst open, the eunuch at the door having no time to announce the visitor.

There, standing in the doorframe, stood Akihfumi, in all her beauty. Her hair was untied. Her kimono wrinkled. She was the favourite of His Majesty's harem, and had not respected the rules that were placed in the harem for a long time. Every time she would disobey, the Emperor would simply wave his hand and dismiss it. Akihfumi had now gotten used to immunity against rules, thinking she had every right to barge in the Emperor's room. These ideas stemmed from the fact that Akihfumi was always next to His Majesty and was always called to serve the night, unlike the other concubines.

But now, all the beauty Aiko had seen at the banquet seemed to have vanished. Her face was full of rage. She had heard from a maid that the new maid, had been in the Emperor's chambers all night and had never left. Akihfumi had beaten the maid for saying such nonsense, but a spark of doubt did linger in her mind. She had rushed to the Emperor's chambers and the guards had blocked her, for the first time in years. This had rendered the concubine even more suspicious and even more furious. She had finally managed to step past the guards who had been too afraid to hurt her.

And now, after she had been neglected for two days in a row, she found the maid, taking her place. "You!" She snarled, pouring all her rage in that one word. "How could you let His Majesty's holy hands touch your low-born skin?!" She yelled.

Aiko said nothing, glancing at her in confusion. Her silence ignited Akihfumi's rage. She crossed the room quickly, reaching her and grabbing her long hair, yanking her hair with all her strength.

Aiko felt her neck crack, a wail of pain coming out of her lips. Akihfumi felt proud. Seeing her writhe in pain made her happier. She turned around to look at the Emperor, expecting him to compliment her and kick the maid out of his chambers to spend time alone, but instead she received a slap. Akihfumi turned her head, stunned.

The Emperor was grinning at her, his smile sadistic. "It seems my favor towards you as made you forget what manners are. Should I remind you?" The Emperor said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "She is going to become Empress. You just offended the mother of the empire and me," the Emperor said, pushing away the hand Akihfumi had tried to lay on his chest.

Akihfumi dropped to the floor in shock. "But Your Majesty! She's just a maid! You should make me Empress!" She cried, tears shimmering in her eyes. Akihfumi had always thought she would be Empress. She had been so close. So close she had tasted it on her tongue.

The Emperor kneeled, gripping her chin. "I have changed my mind. You are not worthy of that title. It is time for you to learn some manners. From now on, you will bow to her, and you will respect her." He whispered. "Furthermore, you'll move out of the Serenity Wing of the palace and move back to the concubine wing." He said, standing up.
Akihfumi gasped, covering her mouth with a trembling hand. Akihfumi had had a whole wing to herself, away from the usual concubine chambers, proving how much of a favorite she was. But this had been taken away from her now. The humiliation almost drowned her. She slowly got up, leaving the room.

Aiko looked at her, walking away. She could sense her pain. "How could you? She was your favorite a few days ago! And now you treat her like nothing!"
She hissed.

"A few days ago, is a long time. The heart of an Emperor is fickle. She had been boring me the past weeks as well. It was only a matter of time," The Emperor said.

"You are cruel! She loved you!" Aiko said, feeling pity for the woman. "Go marry her instead of me! She clearly wants to, and I would be happy to be set free!"

The Emperor turned around, glaring at her. How could a woman refuse to marry the Emperor? The way she spoke to him was unacceptable. He grabbed her arm, yanking her close, their bodies pressing against each other.

"You are so childish. You don't know when to close your mouth and just obey me," the Emperor said. "Hm...let's make a deal you cannot refuse. I'll kill your family if you don't comply." 

Aiko wasn't fazed. "Do it! I don't care about them! They are horrible people. Killing them would actually do me a great favor." Aiko said, trying to push him away. His grip tightened instead.

The Emperor looked amused. "You call me cruel, and then you don't even hesitate once and sacrifice your family." Aiko was about to reply, when he shushed her, sliding his hand around her waist. Aiko looked down, trying to push his hand away, but the Emperor didn't budge. "If you don't care about your family, then I shall burn your village. So many innocent lives would be lost. And all because of you." The Emperor sighed, pretending to be sad.

"You don't even know where I come from," she snarled back.

"I don't. But an Emperor has many ways. I can already tell you come from the Northwest region. Your accent gives it away. I can simply ask the head maid where you come from. That will do the trick," he grinned.

Aiko stayed silent. She could picture the streets falling apart, the fire eating everything in sight. Yells of terror and pain rising from the destruction. Kids becoming orphans. Hell on earth.

Aiko gritted her teeth. She couldn't be responsible for so much pain. It would kill her. Her head hung low. "I will do as you please, Your Majesty." She whispered softly.

The Emperor smiled darkly. "Good. You can be submissive when you want to be." He laughed. "Wait here, I'll get you a new kimono. I don't want my wife to look like a maid." The Emperor then leaned down and tried to kiss her lips, but she moved her head. He sighed and kissed her forehead instead. "I can't wait for the wedding." He sneered mockingly, before slipping out of the room.

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