Chapter 2

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The Next Day.

Eliza wakes to find her maid bringing her a plate of bread and butter along with a steaming cup of hot cocoa. She yawns and stretches her arms towards the ceiling. Her curls have flattened overnight and are hanging loosely around her face. Her maid, Cecily moves around the room tidying and talking absentmindedly, servants are the world's worst and best gossip depending on your position. Satisfied with her work Cecily bobs a small curtsy before exiting, Eliza sits up in her four-poster reaches for her mug of cocoa, tentatively she takes a small sip, it burns her lips and mouth in an instant. Placing the boiling mug on her dresser Eliza swings her snugly duvet off her legs and bring her feet to rest of the oak floor. Stifling a second yawn Eliza pads softly to her wardrobe which contains many day dresses, reaching in she grabs the nearest, an emerald green dress with cream lace and begins to dress. It was common knowledge that a woman should never dress without the assistance of a maid to do this task however Eliza thought that the simple act of putting on clothes only ever needed the person actually wearing the clothes. Glancing at herself in the full-length mirror Eliza does a small twirl in the dress and decides this is as best as it is going to be.

Hair, on the other hand, did need more work, Eliza sits down in front of her vanity and winces at the state of her hair. The curls were everywhere, sticking out at odd angles. Groaning Eliza drops her head onto the table. Why did so many set so much by such a little thing as appearance? Deciding to force her hair into what she hopes is a respectable bun Eliza rights herself and begins to place pins into her mess of hair not bothering to even attempt running a brush through this carriage crash. After a few minutes of giving up and swearing to god, she twists the mass into submission.

With her hair complete Eliza studies her face with a frown, her uncle never seemed to be pleased with her and she begins to wonder whether her face was the cause. Eliza knew she was no beauty, she did, however, have a petite nose and cupids bow mouth, her pale skin was clear of freckles or blemishes. Perhaps it was because being blonde is the "In" thing and her pitch black hair is the furthest thing from that.

Her eyes were her favourite thing about her appearance. Some might say they were too big or the colour too bright, however green eyes were the only thing that Eliza had in common with her sister, Eloise. Forcing herself to smile Eliza rises from her seat and slowly makes her way down the staircase that leads into the main hallway. The staircase winds down into a spiral and when you reach the bottom, back to the front doors, the dining room is immediately in front of you. Shivering as her bare feet touch the cold wooden floor, Eliza enters the dining room a laden with cold meats, berries and toast. Eyeing the teapot she pours herself a cup of tea, only one sugar, sighing with content as the smell of lady grey tea leaves swirl around her, she closes her eyes and appreciates the wonders of a good cup of tea.

"Miss Eliza!"

A hurried voice causes Eliza to jump out of her daydream and spill hot tea all over her left hand, scorching the surface. Placing the cup upon the table she wipes her hand within the folds of her dress and begins to blow on the angry patch of skin.

"Sorry Miss," Cecily says quietly, a hand covering her mouth in regret. Eliza smiles to let her know all is forgiven and though her hand is still hurting it has recovered ever so slightly and no longer requires attention so she turns around to see Cecily pausing nervously by the door frame, apology written across her tired face.

"Tis fine, no worries," Eliza says as she picks her tea up again and tests the temperature, a bit too hot. "What is it?"

"Your uncle sent me to fetch you." Cecily answers, "He wants a word before he goes hunting."

Oh dear, what had she done now? With a tiny groan, Eliza returns her cup to its saucer and walks over to her maid.

"Did he say what it was regarding?"

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