Chapter 10

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Eliza surveys Harrington thoughtfully. After her impressive fight with Isabella, Harrington brought her into the dining room. The room has a long oak table with ten chairs neatly tucked under. One place is set for dinner while the others remain empty, there is a cabernet full of liquors and wine, more than Eliza can count, they are all inexpensive crystal bottles with glass tumblers by the side. The windows are covered in dust and the curtains are hanging limply.

"Eliza may I introduce you to my manservant Luis." Harrington introduces the servant from the yard who walks in.

"Luis, this is my fiance Lady Turner." Eliza shakes the man's hand vigorously to the surprise of both men.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." She says lightly as she drops her hand, remembering a lady doesn't shake hands with anyone let alone a servant.

"And you ma'am." Luis bows low, a smile on his withered face.

"Would you bring us some tea please?" Harrington asks as he pulls a chair out for Eliza.

"Of course sir." Luis bows to both before retreating from the room.

Eliza looks around at the room, avoiding eye contact at all costs. Harrington takes a seat opposite, he too avoids all looking at her but taps his foot on the ground. Eliza racks her brains for something suitable to discuss, having rarely conversed with any men before she struggles with what, to begin with, particularly as she knows almost nothing about him.

"Your house is dirty." She blurts out suddenly and claps a hand to her mouth in shock.

"I beg your pardon." Harrington didn't catch what she said so quickly.

"What I mean to say is why is your house a little....." Eliza grimaces and gestures to the murky windows and moth-eaten curtains.

"It doesn't bother me." She says quickly, "But I am wondering why."

"Oh this house hasn't been occupied in a long time, I grew up here but I left quickly as did my sister so no one has looked after it." He explains

"Your parents?" Eliza inquires.

"My mother moved up north with my sister and my father..." Harrington tails off darkly. "He died a few years ago."

Eliza can tell there is more to this story but decides against pushing the sensitive subject.

"Are you going to restore it?" She asks.

"That is up to you."

"What do you mean?" Eliza frowns, confused

"If you would like to live here after we are married then I will, of course, restore it."

"Where else would we live?" Eliza says flummoxed.

"I have several houses over England and Europe," Harrington says casually.

"Oh, I see." Eliza says a little overwhelmed, "I think it would be a waste not to restore this house."

"Then I will have it organised."

Luis walks in with a tray of tea and biscuits, he pours them both a cup and places milk and sugar on the table before leaving with a bow. Eliza taps her spoon on the side of the china cup after mixing in sugar and has a sip.

"So it is apparent to me you have no interest in clothes, that begs the question of what you do like?" Harrington says as he offers a shortbread.

"I like riding," Eliza replies as she munches on the buttery biscuit, "Books, especially Shakespeare."

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