Chapter 38

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Jasper heaves the last trunk into the main bedroom that looks onto the surrounding garden and forest. Having found matches the room is flooded with flickering warm light. There is a massive four-poster bed with creamy sheets and a fluffy blanket at the end, wardrobes and a vanity chest line the opposite wall, a wide arc window accompanied with balcony let the dark night creep into the room. Eliza quickly pulls heavy red curtains across them, the colour of the curtains with the lamps give the room a deep warm glow, despite this she shivers.

"Here." Jasper passes her the fluffy material. "Take your dress off and wrap yourself up while I heat you, water for a bath."

"There's a bath?" Eliza asks as she runs the soft blanket through her hands. Jasper kneels down and begins to put clothes away in the oak wardrobes.

"Yes there's one in the kitchen, I'll bring it up." He glances back at her, she is still standing by the bed, holding the blanket, in a soaked dress.

"Takes your dress off or you'll catch a cold."

Eliza grimaces at him as he turns back to unpacking their luggage, he makes no move to give her privacy. She keeps her eyes on his back as she drops the blanket on the bed and reaches behind her to undo the ribbon, it undoes easily and soon the dress is hanging off her shoulders, she clutches the material to her chest. She picks the blanket up with one hand, as quick as she can she drops her dress into a pool around her feet and wraps the blanket around her shoulders, it reaches her just below her knees. She flicks the wet dress away with her foot. Even with her dress removed she still shivers, her undergarments, although not saturated, are damp. Jasper closes the door of the wardrobe and turns to her, he walks over to her and pulls her into his embrace. It would be nice if he weren't so wet.

"You are freezing." He comments squeezing her tighter.

"And you are wet." She replies wryly. He lets go of her and opens one of the wardrobes, he throws a thing at her and she catches it with one hand.

"Put that on, it is dry." He says, "I'll draw your bath now."

"There's no need." Eliza protests.

"Of course." He retorts sarcastically, he leaves the room with an eye roll. As soon as he shuts the door she drops the blanket and wriggles out of her wet underclothes, she pulls his cotton shirt on, it drowns her slightly and falls about mid-thigh. She picks the blanket off the floor and wraps it around herself, she flips open the lid of one of her trunks and takes a look inside at what has been packed for her. Jasper has put all her dress away which leaves a few pairs of shoes and several books. She takes her worn copy of Hamlet out and sits crossed legged on the bed. She flicks through the weary pages and absorbs the story. About 10 minutes later there is the sound of puffing and panting, Eliza drops Hamlet and opens the door, Jasper is struggling down the corridor holding a bath bigger than him. She stands back as he lifts the bath into the room, he lowers it to the ground and there is a slosh of water, it is already a third full. He straightens up and frowns at her, she looks down to see she is only wearing his shirt, the blanket is discarded on the bed. His icy eyes flash with heat and desire but he pushes it away.

"You should get in before it cools." He clears his throat. "I'll go and fetch some more hot water."

"Thank you." Eliza props onto her tiptoes and kisses his cheek. He seems taken aback but a small smile crosses his face. He takes a last look at her before leaving again. Eliza sticks her little toe into the water, the water is hot and steamy. She climbs in and sinks into the heavenly water not bothering to remove the shirt. The water instantly chases away the chill and she sighs, the heat soothes her tired body and she settles back against the ridge. She closes her eyes in contentment.

She turns over and her face hits something soft and plush. Her eyes open she is staring at the pillow. She becomes aware that she is lying in a luxury bed and not in the bath. She turns her head on the pillow, the bath is where she remembers but is currently in use by her husband. She eyes roam over his naked torso, she has never seen him without a shirt before. His chest is toned with thick muscles and his abs are defined. With his dark hair and ice eyes, he looks like a dangerous godlike creature. Eliza silently admires his body as she sits up, she might not have thought about her wedding night but she is a woman and she can't deny that the sight of Jasper is setting her heart on fire. She moves to push the quilt off her body but she freezes, she isn't wearing what she was before. Her eyes widen, she is wearing another shirt but not the same, realisation sets in and she begins to silently panic. She breathes deeply and pinches her arm to take control of herself.

Jasper's eyes are closed so he doesn't realise she is there until she climbs into the other end of the bath their eyes meet.

"Eliza, what are you doing?" He croaks, his eyes roam over her.

She just smiles at him sinfully, leaning forward she wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him closer so their torso's are touching. He opens his mouth but she silences his protest with a kiss. He groans and tugs her on top of him. She pulls away from him and his eyes flash dangerously. She tilts her head to the left and leaves a trail of small kisses up his jawline, his arms press her to him.

"This is a dangerous game." He murmurs into her ear, he kisses down the side of her neck. She shivers but lets her arms drop.

"I can handle it." She replies, she pushes his chest away and climbs out. Jasper watches her in shock. She opens the wardrobe and finds a white nightdress, she shrugs off her partly wet shirt and slips the gown over her head.

"You shouldn't have thrown me into the carriage like that." She says lightly but her eyes are dark. She slips under the covers of the bed. Jasper rises from the bath and he wraps a towel around his waist and stalks over to her. He towers over her.

"So that was revenge?" He asks. Eliza looks up.

"Of course not." She replies sweetly. He laughs and walks round to his side of the bed, he pulls the covers off her.

"Hey!!" Eliza cries trying to snatch them back. He takes advantage of her surprise and rolls her on top of him.

"Forgive me?" He says.

Eliza lets a smile slip through, he is her equal in this. She places her lips over his and the night drifts away from them.

To Defy A DukeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora