Chapter Twenty Eight

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"I think this dress is better than the other one. What do you think?"

Siara took a glance a bit from her phone to finally looked at her bestfriend, Bianca and Sarah, which beside her. After both of them know that Siara was engaged to Nick, Siara thought it was time to finally let them to knew each other. At their first met, they instantly clicked and made announcement that they are best friend. And their met was leading them into this, talking about the wedding for Siara and Nick, especially since Bianca became her maid honor and Sarah and two her daughter became her bridesmaids. 

Both of them would non-stop to told her which one was the best cake, the best catering, the best gown, and all other things regarding the wedding. It was kind of frustrating for Siara, but this was her consequences for asking Nick if they could get married in three or four months. At first he agreed in three months. But as his work took a toll on him, they have to postpone their wedding in another two weeks.

Siara scrunched her nose, "No, I like from Sarah's better."

Bianca pouted her lips, "You made a pregnant woman unhappy, honey. It's not good for the baby."

Both Siara and Sarah laughed by Bianca's remark. Then Sarah looked to her phone and her eyes widened. She stood up abruptly.

"Shit." She cursed, "I forgot to pick up Caroline."

"Does that make you a bad mom?" Bianca asked, her eyes glint with evil.

"Oh, never sweetheart. A woman never wrong."

Now both Siara and Bianca laughed at Sarah's remark as the woman bid goodbye to them. It was only both of them left. After Nick finally agreed to marry Siara as fast as they could, they made a choice to buy a new apartment in London. She needed help as much as she could with her wedding and only her two bestfriends could. So it was the best choice for Siara and Nick to moved to London so Bianca and Sarah could help her whenever they can. As the apartment grew quieter, Bianca put down her phone on the table and finally staring at Siara with serious face. Siara quirked her eyebrow at her, waited for her to continue. But Bianca kept staring at her without say another word.

"What?" Siara finally opened her mouth.

"Why didn't you tell me you had sex with Jonathan?"

Surely, Siara was taken aback by her outburst.

"What?" She almost shrieked, "How did you know this? I mean it's like almost three months ago!"

Bianca pointed her finger in front of Siara's face, "That long and you haven't said anything to me! What the hell, S?"

Siara put her hands on her face, "My God, this conversation is not happening."

"Is that the reason why you marrying Nick so soon?" She asked, "To ease your guilt?"


"S, listen to me." Bianca demand, Siara clamped her mouth shut, "Don't force yourself like this. If you love Jonathan, then say it Siara. You know he will always love you, right? I'm sure Nick will understand if you share your truth."

Siara sighed, "I love Nick, B. I'm not forcing myself to marry him. In fact, it came from me to moving forward our wedding."

"Okay, fine you love him. But will you ever tell Nick the truth that you still love Jonathan as well?"

Siara only stared at her best friend. 

Bianca smirked, "Of course not."

Siara sighed as she leaned her back to the couch, feeling drown already, "It's not that simple, B. Do you think I want in this situation? To love both men and has to choose between them?" Siara shook her head, "I choose Nick. It's better for me and Jonathan separated our ways, especially since Anna is in the picture."

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