Chapter Thirty

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Fifty missed calls from his family, six glass of whiskey, almost one bottle of wine, and Jonathan wasn't going to stop to numb the feeling. The feeling which too unbearable for him.

The air feels suffocating on him or maybe it just his heart couldn't accept the fact that Siara choose another man than him. Whatever it was, Jonathan won't stop to numb the hurt in his heart. Drinking was the only thing he knows how. He was drunk as hell, but any little pain he felt, he ordered the bartender to filled his glass.

His driver, George, sat nearby the bar. He pitying Jonathan to acted like this. But at the same time he know how broken hearted Jonathan too. Just like before, when Siara left him after she found out that Jonathan married once without him telling her. For those six months he gone from his family, from his job, from the world. Maybe, George had a hunch, this would be like a last time. Or maybe, it could be worse now he know Jonathan could never have Siara back.

Jonathan raised his glass to George, "Oh, come one, George! Have a drink!"

He shakes his head, "I'm fine with this."

Jonathan scrutinized at his glass, "A glass of water? Really?"

"I'm driving, sir."

He shrugged his shoulder while pouted his lips like a child, "You're no fun."

George only chuckled in response. As Jonathan began to sip another beer on his glass, his driver stop him. Jonathan glared at him, but he didn't back down. In times, George treated Jonathan like he was his friend not his boss. Especially at times like this. George has seen to many when people broke Jonathan's heart. But this time, he know his boss won't recover fast from his heart break.

"I think we should go home, sir." George looked to his watch, "It's six o'clock in the morning and we still have a long way to go."

The thought of going back to his mansion ached him. Jonathan remembered too well of the happiness memories about him and Siara. It was too painful to remind him that it was over between them. He always hoped it was only a dream. But no, no matter how he tried to numb it, the ached would always be there. Sighing, he complied to his driver's wish.

Jonathan stood up from his stool with George's help. He reached to his wallet and throw some amount of money to the bartender. At least it will be good for the tip. Stumbling to his own car, he didn't know what to do if George won't be there for him. Jonathan felt greatful that he had some loyal workers for him.

As the car began to move, Jonathan looked to rear view mirror where he could see George's face.

"I bet you wanted to go home because Loretta has been looking up for you." Jonathan spoke up.

George looked back to his boss on the rear view mirror, "That would be right, sir."

"Well, in that case, in my experience, do not ever fuck up with the lady, George, if you truly love her." He mumbled to himself, "Or you going to end up like me."

"And what would that be, sir?"

"Living in a hell for the rest of your life."

George didn't replied back. He knows what his boss meant. Too lose someone who you really love.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Jonathan and George had arrived in the massive mansion. As George began to offered his help to Jonathan, the man blatantly refused. He made his way to the porch to saw his loyalty maid and George's wife, Loretta, brought him a cup of coffee. He must sensed that George has already inform her about their arrival. He took the coffee from her and walked to his bedroom.

It's going to a long agonizing day, Jonathan thought. As he sipped his black coffee, he heard some faint sound from his bedroom. His eyebrows furrowed. As he got closer, his heart thumped wildly in his chest. Jonathan recognized the voice.

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