8. call

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My heart is racing after reading his text. I'm suddenly wide awake with energy and I sit up in my bed to make sure when I talk I don't sound any different.

I have a tingling feeling in what feels like every nerve as I click on his contact information to call him. Oddly enough, I hadn't noticed our conversation bubbles had been blue. He must be using an iPhone right now. My eyes land on the "FaceTime" option and I'm tempted.

I go into my camera quickly and check the way I look. Thankfully my face is not bloated and I look semi-presentable. I look to my makeup case, but ultimately decide against it.

After a moment of deliberation I decide I have nothing to lose. I begin to FaceTime my mystery man.

It rings for only a moment before he picks up. I'm nervously biting my nail. He picked up.

The connection is terrible. Beyond terrible. In fact, it might be the worst connection I have ever had to someone on my phone. His face is a blurry mess but I can make out enough to see basic facial features. He has a thin face with a thick neck. I see his jawline through the pixels and I'm smiling at my screen awkwardly. That small chance of him being an old perverted man has been justified.

It's then that he disconnects. I purse my lips and see he is typing in the chat.

J: not nice
I wasn't ready ㅋㅋㅋ
You said call
no face

You: I clicked the wrong button

J: 않냐 않냐 않냐 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
(No no no. Laughing)

I don't know why he's using informal words with me. Maybe because I'm American? Does he think I won't notice? I don't care at all, but I want to "roast" him like he asked.

You: 반말??? 😲😲😲

My cheeks are flushed and the temperature in my bedroom feels like a thousand degrees. He's so cute when he texts and from the pixelated image I saw he was decent looking. I'm hoping his voice can match.

I release a deep breath as his name appears on my phone. He's calling me!

"여보세요? (Hello?)" I answer the phone. I use the prettiest voice I can muster from my vocal chords.

"Hi," I hear him.

I know his voice will be different when he speaks English and when he speaks Korean. Usually voices are softer and less confident when speaking a language that is not your own.

I'm embarrassed and don't know what I'm supposed to say. I just want to hear him speak more.

"Um," I laugh quietly, "Sorry for FaceTiming you."


"It's okay," I answer, "I don't usually use my iPhone."

"Your English is great! What are you complaining about?"

Her voice is making me speechless. I'm not used to girls being so straight forward at me— I noticed during our texts but now it is evident in her speech. It's going to be odd if I'm shy when she isn't.

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