04. mile high

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disclaimer: smut, fluff; near future. i just kinda wrote about stuff.
word count: ~8k

"You know you could just hire someone to do that for you?"

David's voice is muffled through my headphones as my fingers dig into the cold dirt. I roll my eyes at the sound of my brother's obvious instruction, but continue to lean forward with all of my effort in order to get the seed down far enough into the soil. My arms are fatigued as my knees dig into the ground, and I'm luckily almost done as I make my way to the end of the row.

"Thanks," I reply sarcastically.

I want to take part in growing these flowers as much as I can— it is only right. The sun is bright and I'm squinting over it, but it is chilled weather, so I am not finding much difficulty being comfortable. I'm wearing one of Jungkook's sweatshirts with the arms rolled up; it was left at the hanok during one of our many nights together.

"별말씀을 (No problem)," my brother responds.

I start chuckling involuntarily at his reply. I lean back from the work I'm doing and take a breath. I'm trying to think of the best explanation to help him in his surprisingly advanced Korean learning endeavors.

"It's not 'bowl,'" I correct his pronunciation. "It's more like 'byeol,'" I offer instead.

My hands fall to my hips, and I exhale deeply. My distanced gaze down at the chrysanthemums earns a small smile from me— they look good. Auntie would be pleased with the turn out this year, as I've only been getting better at the upkeep of the small, pink blossoms.

David hasn't replied to me. I continue, "you just need to drop your accent."

"It's hard."

I take a break from the flowers and sit down on the ground. My ass is now covered in dirt, but I don't mind. Now I can sit comfortably and relax with my eyes closed as I take in the sun. I have to go soon; I have a flight to catch.

"I know," I sympathize. "We should only speak in Korean now, hm? Then you could get better."

David has been working much harder these past few years than I thought he ever would. He's been studying religiously to really know Korean on a deep, personal level. It may or may not be because my relationship with Jungkook is getting very serious, and most of our potential additional family members will primarily only speak Korean. I'm not sure, but the motivation has been there.

"아마도 (maybe)," he says cheekily.

With my eyes closed, I'm picturing absolutely nothing. My mind is an empty slate for once— finally. I have been doing so much work constantly all month, and I can't wait to just be home. I've been in Korea for some business, but when I was presented with an opportunity to shift around my schedule and go home, I made sure to take it.

"That was perfect," I praise my younger sibling. "You're graduating on time, right?"

"Rude bītch," he retorts jokingly. "Yeah, I am. Will you be here? It's, like, next month."

I'm relieved. Although I was only teasing when I asked him, there was some true concern in my question. David has matured so nicely throughout his years of university. Spending all that money on his tuition was well worth the person I indirectly helped him become.

"Of course," I say immediately. "I'm actually coming home. I'll be there tomorrow. We can catch up then."

The hanok door slams, and I take a peek through my lidded eyes at my personal assistant as she appears from inside; her name is Norah, and she is incredibly cute, sweet, and charismatic. She can even speak six languages. I basically pay her to do everything I don't have time to do.

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