23. greed

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I turn around at Jungkook and all expression from my face drops. Really? This has to be happening right now? You have got to be kidding.

I want to be mad— I really want to be mad. I'm about to freak out but his eyes are so concerned for me and he's clueless. Consequently, I release a deep breath and quickly compose myself.

Luna's facial expression is the most shocked I have ever seen a person. Her eyes are practically bulging out of her face and she has dropped her phone out of her hand.

And then there's David— who's snickering from the corner of the room as he's standing on the desk still.

"I..." she breathes. "So it was true?"

She's mad and when I look at her, I can tell she's masking her upset feelings with rage. I decide to ignore Jungkook for now and focus my attention on Luna. She deserves more than how I have been treating her.


"I can't believe this," she is talking to herself now.

I walk into the hotel room fully. I don't know what to do as I'm watching her shove random articles of her things into her bag.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting a different room. I don't want to be around people who lie to me." She glares at me and then David.

"Don't be fucking dramati—"

"David, please," she snaps at him, "We don't need comic relief right now."

David is stunned by the switch in Luna's personality. I feel tears brimming my eyes because I hadn't been able to foresee this. I had been lying to myself that all of my other lies wouldn't matter eventually.

"Stop," I say just above a whisper, "Let me explain."

"You don't have to," she zips her bag and pulls her charger from the wall, "I don't know what I did for you not to trust me, but you lying about all of this was not fair to me."


"Stop, Jae!" She rolls her eyes and I can see she is upset too, "I had a feeling you were lying but I told myself you wouldn't do that."

I'm biting nervously on the inside of my cheek to stop myself from crying or saying anything stupid. It's painful but it's working as a distraction.

"I signed an NDA!" I explain quickly, I can feel the tears approaching.

"You told him," she says, referring to my brother, "you know, I wouldn't have been so upset if I didn't ask about it. Last night I asked you directly about the tweet and you didn't say anything."

"He found out from my mom!" I'm using my body to block the door.

Luna is up against me and attempting to leave. The last thing I want to happen is just that. I'm searching for her eyes and waiting patiently for her to look at me. Unfortunately for me she is doing everything but looking in the direction of my eyes.

"We are grown adults," she says lowly, "Let me leave the room."

I bite my lip and a tear escapes my eye. I'm watching Luna closely and I know she wants to cry, but she's staying strong and keeping her dignity. This fight is worse than our previous worst fight— and that was over a boy that we both had to say goodbye to just to end the feud.

"Jae," she finally looks at me, "I defended you on social media for hours!"

"I didn't ask you to," I reply and immediately regret it.

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