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"Feeling better?" he asks as he drives away from the diner.

"Much better. Thank you, Daniel. Seriously, I don't know what I'd have done if you hadn't come along."

"I'm not a fan of clichés but please continue," he chuckles, making me hit his arm playfully. 

"I'd probably be laying in bed crying my eyes out right now," I sigh in relief that those plans didn't go accordingly. "Today was good."

"My favourite part was the evening," he says, sending me a wink. I point to my block of flats and the car comes to a stop.

"You live with someone?" he asks, peering at the building.

"Nope, I used to live with my dad until he moved out, leaving me in charge of the place," I say before pausing to glance at my bedroom's window. "He still pays the rent though," I add with a crooked smile.

"I don't think he'll like it if I walk you in," he says, nodding towards the doorman that is staring at the car.

"That he would not," I breathe out as I open the door. As I'm closing it, he calls for me with a pizza box in hand. I raise an eyebrow and look back to the doorman who's watching our every move; he is quite protective of the tenants because he's seen some sketchy things happen.

"In case you can't sleep," he pushes the box in my hands and steps back.

"When? And how-"

"Don't ask too many questions. Just fly with the wind," he makes a dramatic soaring move and I chuckle. He comes closer and surprises me by giving me a tight hug. He holds me tightly for a sec before letting go and saying good night which I return before walking into the building and up the elevator.

When the doors to my apartment open, I set the box down on the table and a thought crosses my mind. I slap my forehead and curse myself. "Dammit, I forgot to get his number! Fuck my life."

I slouch on the couch and switch the television on, looking for something worth watching while I listen to my voice mails. One is from my dad telling me that he found someone special and that he won't be home for another three or four months.

I'm not saying he's a pedophile, but he always goes for women half his age. So take that as you will. This new one will be his 5th special someone this year.

After listening to and responding to everyone, I switch the television off and take the pizza to my room. Perhaps Netflix will be helpful.

I take a slice and keep it between my teeth, about to search Daniel's account on social media when my eyes squint on the inside of the cover box. My face breaks into a smile and my heart races when I read something scribbled and greased by the pizza.

I'm no organ donor, but I'd be glad to give you a pizza my heart.

And the best part is that he wrote his cell phone number at the bottom. I laugh out loud when I reread the cheesy pick up line and send a silent prayer as I take down his number.

me: you think you're real smart, ey?

After a few seconds, my phone vibrates in my hand. I open the text.

Daniel: I have no idea what you're taking about.

me: oh really? guess it must be a wrong number then...

Daniel: no probs. who you looking for anyway?

me: just a random guy I met today

Daniel: I bet you found him cute, right?

me: and charming. he has good manners. that's until he left without my number :(

Daniel: I'm sure he likes you a lot more than he hoped to.

me: can you keep a secret?

Daniel: I'd much rather keep something else, but sure, secrets are fun.

me: I like Daniel. he cheered me up tonight. I wish I could give him a big hug.

Daniel: and probably a kiss too, yes?

me: you think so? you really think he'll like that?

My phone vibrates and I open the text, feeling slightly disappointed that it isn't from him.

Kyle: what's up? I noticed you had an uneasy feeling when you went to the bathroom and Lu told me you left in a rush.

Oh, so he did notice that I left? I thought Leigh-Ann kept him busy enough.

me: yeah, sorry about leaving unannounced. something came up. fam issue.

Kyle: I hope everything is okay. I was worried about you.


me: I can take care of myself, thanks ;)

Kyle: I have no doubt. What do you say joining me for lunch tomorrow?

I stare at his text before I receive another text. I open it and smile as I read.

Daniel: a little birdie told me he wants to meet you at Crizzle tomorrow for lunch. he might just check in with that kiss you promised.

I chew on the slice as I think of what to say; whose offer to decline. Then I make my decision. It wasn't a difficult one, just something new and different for me and probably anyone else in my shoes. I open Kyle's chat, type quickly, and press send.

me: I can't :( I have plans with a few friends I made recently. Maybe next time?

Next, I open Daniel's chat, typing in my response before sending it.

me: I'd love that very much. what time do you think he'll be there?

Daniel: he says around 12. can you make it? he can change the time to suit your preferences.

Kyle: no problem, sweetheart. have a good night.

me: night :*

me: I'll be there by 12. send him my good night wish and pass on a kiss on the nose for me, yeah?

Daniel: he'd appreciate it if you'd rather do it yourself. he also said you should sleep well.

Unknown's POV

I handled her well last time, but now she's going out of control. And much to my dismay, it seems like he's moved on. Too bad I'm not in contact with my men any longer. They would have taken care of her.

Maybe they should pay a little visit to Tess and teach her a lesson. Kyle wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her, so maybe just scare her a little. Enough to make her want to leave. No one would suspect me of all people if she were to 'accidentally' die.

I shut off my phone and smile when I think of the progress made today. "This proves to be easier than I'd thought," I chuckle, and my girl just shakes her head as she works on her computer.


A/N Have a good day, lovies!  Don't forget to smile at random strangers.

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