Stranger danger

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Helloooooo, this is one of my favorite chapters (although I have a lot of favorite chapters). But I hope you guys like it too!!
New characters in the picture !

It was in the air, reeking like an animal had just died. When in fact it was a human that was dead. Killed by a predator that was also a human at one point.

There Melanie laid, blacked out beneath a bush, coated from head to toe in blood. And next to her, scattered across the ground, was Joe's body. Mauled to death by the girl he'd once tortured.

Melanie awoke to the horrifying sight of blood and limbs. The memory of last night was planted fresh in her mind, but to her surprise she didn't feel remorse. She didn't feel sorry that she killed Joe, she just felt nothing.

She looked at her surroundings, realizing that she was relatively close to where she had been staying; Issac's house. She was drawn to there, seeking the comfort of her alpha.

She began her walk back, every step she took brought her closer to reality. She didn't know it, but the shock hadn't fully worn off yet. The remorse she didn't feel now would very soon plague her for a long time.

Her mind was in autopilot until she reached Issac's doorstep. She didn't bother to knock or anything, she just walked in.

But when she entered, she was met with not one pair of eyes, but three. And they were all guys, and only one of them was Issac.

Issac turned when he'd heard the door open, and at first when he saw Melanie he was filled with relief. Then when he saw her covered in blood and naked, he grew worried.

Who did she kill?

She approached him, not even bothered by the two other guys who were seeing her naked. She just needed Issac.

When she reached him, she simply wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. She was trying to hold herself together, as the guilt was catching up to her. Every memory of last night was crushing her, making it almost hard to breathe.

"Issac," She whimpered, "I killed him."

Issac pulled back slightly from the hug to see her face, which looked frightened and saddened.

"Who?" He asked, but he didn't really need to. He had an idea of who she was talking about.

"Joe," Her voice cracked. A stray tear slid down her dirt covered and bloody face. "I didn't mean to."

All of Issac's plans to get after her, and scold her for not listening to her alpha disappeared. He didn't know what to do with Melanie, who kept thinking about what she did.

And finally, one last memory was enough to cause a breakdown.

"What did I do?" She cried, clutching onto Issac tightly. "I tore him apart, Issac. You didn't see the way he looked at me."

"Melanie," Issac said, "It's alright."

But Melanie just shook her head, her cries turning to sobs.

"He looked...At me...Like I was a...Monster." Melanie said between choked up cries. She hated herself in that moment, more than usual. She knew that she shouldn't be this upset over killing Joe, but she couldn't help it. She didn't want to be a murderer, and now she was.

"Melanie, look at me," Issac ordered. She listened, pulling her eyes up to his. Issac noticed how her lip was quivering, and how she was trying to hold back tears. "You are not a monster. He was the monster. He needed to die, if you didn't do it I would've."

Issac's words seeped into Melanie's head, scattering her thoughts. She wanted to believe that what she did was for the best, that Joe really did need to die. But she still felt guilt, which clouded her mind. She couldn't rid the memory of killing him.

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