Eye of the storm

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Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter! Intensity will be picking back up pretty soon, so sit back and hold on. Prepare to cry these next few chapters.
Issac's arms were aching, heavy with the weight of a sleeping Melanie. He had been carrying her for only a couple of minutes, but the jet lag and lack of sleep had driven his body into exhaustion.

Nevertheless, he made sure to hold Melanie. He didn't want to wake the sleeping angel in his arms, so he sucked up his discomfort so she could have a few seconds extra of peace.

Issac reached the door, before unlocking it and kicking it open with his foot. He stepped into the dark house, which he deeply missed during his trip, and pushed the door closed. It clicked behind him, waking Melanie.

Her eyes opened to darkness for a split second, before her night vision kicked in. She looked to see the familiar chandelier hanging above her head, and a sigh of relief left her mouth.

She tried to leave Issac's arms so that he didn't have to carry her up the stairs, but Issac held her tighter.

"It's okay, I got you."

He stepped up the stairs, one by one, making each step as smooth as possible for Melanie. While he did this, Melanie tucked her head into Issac's chest allowing herself to close her eyes for what felt like a moment.

But when she opened her eyes again, the sun had shined brightly through the curtains, and the smell of bacon was in the air. Melanie heard her stomach growl, basically telling her to get out of bed and eat.

Groggily, she made her way through the room. Her feet padded across the floor as she reached a chair and grabbed Issac's hoodie that he wore the night before.

She put it on as she walked out of the room and down to the source of the heavenly smell. When she reached the source, she was met with an even more heavenly sight; A shirtless Issac.

His back was turned to her, exposing his well defined muscles. The muscles moved and flexed with every twitch that Issac did as he flipped some eggs.

He wasn't shocked when he felt a set of arms wrap around his waist and hug him from behind.

Issac placed the eggs on a plate, before he turned to face Melanie. She stared at him with a drowsy smile, which was damn near the cutest thing Issac had seen.

He couldn't help but fawn over everything about Melanie right then and there. He couldn't ignore her doe-like brown eyes which he had fallen in love with the day he saw them.

Melanie tucked her face in the crook of his neck when she saw him staring, hiding her tinted, rosey cheeks.

"Why are you staring?" She asked with shyness, peaking up at him. He still kept gazing down at her with a cheesy smile, though.

"You're just perfect," Melanie laughed, "I'm serious, Melanie. Most perfect girl I've laid my eyes on."

Issac knew that Melanie didn't believe him, and maybe she wouldn't for a while. But he would continue to say it as much as he could, in hopes that she would believe it.

Neither of them could say anything before the door bursted open.

There was the entire pack, all with large smiles on their faces, and all coming over to greet them. However, Melanie nor Issac smiled back. They were more concerned for their plates of food, which were being eyed by the ravenous wolves.

"Melanie," Nut greeted, "We missed you guys!"

She wrapped her arms around Melanie, who embraced Nut as well.

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