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Coming down to the last three chapters of this story!! Who's excited? This chapter and next will be pretty intense and possibly a tear jerker so grab your tissues. I'm writing this while crying bc I've had a bad day.
"Stop!" Melanie cried from the ground. She laid there, sunken and bloodied against the cold tile. It was stained with her blood and Issac's, who laid passed out. He looked dead.

She put her hands above her head, weakly trying to defend herself from Lana's attacks. Her arms dropped down when Lana sent another kick to her head however, extending the already dangerously large gash.

"How does it feel, Melanie?" Lana hissed, kneeling down next to her side and grabbing Melanie's head. She yanked it up so she could see Melanie better, sneering at her. "Do you like feeling weak?"

Melanie couldn't focus on anything other than Issac, and even then she could barely keep her eyes open. Still, she mustered up some strength and anger to say some carefully picked words for Lana.

"Fuçk you."

What felt like a mixture of nails and a slap collided with Melanie's face, and then the familiar stinging sensation one got from being slapped.

She felt Lana release her head, dropping it back onto the tile. It hitt the tile hard, but at this point, Melanie didn't feel it. She felt more dead than alive, and barely anything had happened to her.

She glanced around with delayed vision to see if anyone else was awake. But there wasn't, all of her pack members were in the same position as her. They all laid on the ground with injuries to the head or neck, and some of them even looked dead.

Melanie wondered if anyone had actually been killed.

She didn't think about that for long when Lana stood up. She caught the attention of Melanie as she stalked towards Issac like a predator. Melanie saw how she looked at Issac, pure hatred and satisfaction to see him hurt.

"Leave him alone," Melanie croaked. She was fighting to regain full consciousness, the urge to protect Issac causing her healing to kick in a lot faster.

Lana glanced back at Melanie with a smirk. It was the sort of smirk that Pennywise gave Georgie, before he ripped him into the drain and to his doom.

And now this decrepit shewolf stood aggressively over Issac, who stirred a bit.

He was waking up, after a solid half an hour of him being out, he was finally waking up to witness his torture.

Issac's eyes opened just in time to see Lana bring a piece of the granite counter top down onto his head. It hit his head hard, emitting a sound that made Melanie sick to her stomach. It sounded as if an egg had just been cracked, but this egg was a head.

Melanie watched as Issac groaned in agony, before managing to pull herself to her feet. It took every ounce of strength to do this, and every ounce of love she had for Issac aided her in this fight.

When she made it to her knees, she stared with hatred at Lana who now stared at her. The twisted snake-like grin still hadn't left her face, and she watched in amusement as Melanie's knees wobbled and she graced the side of the counter.

"Please," Lana spit, "Are you really going to make this more painful than it should be?"

Melanie said nothing as she glanced around the room, fear arising when she saw who she was up against.

And when she saw the countless people who all seemed to have never ending muscles, she knew that the odds weren't favored for her. She knew that their chance of making it out of this didn't really exist.

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