|14|~Red-Headed She-Devil~

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Victoria in Media.

Claire POV.

Victoria instantly stands to her full height. Her shoulders are high as she stares straight ahead. She never once makes eye contact with Xander, and she somehow controls her human urge to blink.

I take a second, a single moment to look at her, really look at her. She looks the same. I mean it's only been a couple of weeks, but Xander has treated her well. She's still extremely beautiful. She's wearing a tight long black dress that reveals too much cleavage for my liking. Nonetheless, the dress was made for her. She looks very polished, way more polished than a mere slave.

A long slit travels up both sides of her dress, revealing her slender legs and flawless porcelain skin, scar-free of course. She's always been the perfect little pet, not even a scratch. She's a very attractive girl with a face like an angel, but looks can truly be deceiving. Victoria is the devil's child, if not the devil herself. Memories of how cruel she really can be flash inside my head.

* * *

I close my eyes and imagine a world where I don't have to listen to the leech teacher asking the class to repeat after her.

"As a slave, I should do this . . . As a slave, I shouldn't do that . . ."

If I have to listen to this slave-lecture bullshit more, my head may explode. I really don't understand why they have to drill how they always have thrall over humans into our heads.

They won. We lost. Big fucking deal.

Why can't they just let us be?

I imagine a time when my race is out of chains, free from dictatorship. Free. Free. Free. Yes, I'm in my own little world, dreaming and tuning her out completely.

That's until Ms. Fox directly asks, "Claire, are you too good to repeat after me?"


I open my eyes and take a quick glance towards other Claire's direction. To add fuel to the fire, of course, the entire classroom's attention is on me. They're all waiting for my legendary sarcastic remark. They all know that I don't give a flying fuck. I may even be the only one in this classroom with some balls.

No, I take that back. I may be the only human in this entire school with some balls. I mean, what's the point in sucking up to these leeches? They want to drain us dry, either way, so fuck it!

I clear my throat and reply, "Of course I am, Ms. Fox, but you already know that."

And here come the fireworks and the chorus of giggles. As expected, a couple of giggles fill the room, and Ms. Fox's eyes flash red.

I roll my eyes. I can't help myself. I mean, seriously, how many times do I have to provoke her to just end me? God, I can't wait until the day I turn eighteen so then I can escape this bullshit once and for all.

My own eyes flash with amusement and of course, my lips turn upward with my legendary smirk.

Ms. Fox is in front of me in a heartbeat.

Vampires and their fucking speed.

Before I know it, I feel her hand collide with my face. The effect of her smack echoes throughout the room, and all the giggles completely subside. Well, all except Victoria's. She continues to giggle, obviously enjoying Ms. Fox's retaliation.

My hands ball into a fist, ready to give her a taste of her own medicine, but Ms. Fox beats me to the punch, sinking her fangs into the side of my neck. Her teeth pierce my veins so deeply that I can't hold back the high-pitched scream from escaping my lips.

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