|57|~ Alone Time ~

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Claire POV.

I step out of the magnificent Jacuzzi tub, feeling relaxed, refreshed, and renewed. My entire body is humming in blissful harmony. My eyes land on some neatly folded clothes placed on top of the toilet seat. I smile to myself, knowing who left those there for me.

I smile harder once I realize that they are actually my belongings. They're nothing too much or too fancy—just a light-gray turtleneck, full bodysuit, and a matching black lace bra and pantie set. I'm just happy that they are mine. Well, technically Nicklaus purchased them for me when I first arrived in his kingdom, so the clothing does actually belong to him.

After I'm dressed, my already bright smile shines sunlight when my eyes spot the book that Xander encouraged me to read. It's left on the bathroom sink. Nicklaus's first promise has been fulfilled. This man doesn't understand how much little things mean to me. Oh gosh, I can't get him out of my head.

I've been thinking about Nicklaus ever since he left. Every time I think or see anything. My thought patterns lead right back to him. Hopefully, some reading and fresh air would help me get him out of my head. Yes, that's it! That's what I need.

I grab the book off the counter and make my way into the room. Mr. Meany is on the sofa that's on the other side of the room. He is half asleep when I step out of the bathroom. He looks exhausted, which is expected. His eyes were practically glued open all night as he watched the doctor evaluate me.

Whenever the doctor poked a needle into my flesh, and I uttered a single ouch, Mr. Meany was in front of him in a flash with angry crimson‑colored eyes. Whenever the doctor pulled out some strange tools and performed some type of exam on parts of my body, Mr. Meany would rudely question his every move.

I feel guilty that he was left to babysit me and the doctor. Vampires don't have to sleep, but they do enjoy having that winding downtime from what I noticed.

Mr. Meany has been resting on the sofa for over sixteen hours now. Surely, he wants to be in the comfort of a bed, not that the sofa looks uncomfortable. However, beds are made to sleep in. Sofas are made to sit on.

I glance at the clock on the wall above the sofa. It's 7:05 AM. Mr. Meany has indeed been confined to the Sofa for over sixteen hours. I woke up around 2 PM after the incident yesterday, and he has been here ever since Nicklaus stormed out. That's a long time to play guard.

My eyes drift over to his half-asleep body. His usual pale-blond, slicked-back hair is a shaggy mess. His eyes are half-closed, and his pant leg on the left side is rolled up halfway. He reminds me of how I used to look during one of those boring lectures back at school. Nicklaus reminds me of that as well when he is doing any one of his royal duties. He always seems to be bored. Unless Xander is around, then Nicklaus acts like a class clown—playful and entertaining.

I stand in my spot for about five minutes, just thinking about all of the faces Nicklaus makes.

"Why are you standing there looking at me," Mr. Meany mumbles, getting up.

Ugh, that's a good question. Why was I looking at him? Oh, I know why. I got distracted, thinking about Mr. Meany looking exhausted, and the nn I begin to think about Nickluas

I do not respond. I place the book down on the dresser and make my way inside the closet. As expected, all my belongings are neatly hung and folded on the left side of the closet.

A king will do everything on his left side until he finds the one who is meant to sit on his left side. Butterflies erupt inside my tummy as a small smile tug on my lips. Just thinking about that little piece of information makes me feel all warm and bubbly inside. Nicklaus's expensive cologne and burning cedarwood scent are a lot more potent inside this tight confinement of space.

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