|29| ~ Creepy, creeper and creepicious~

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Claire POV.

I have seen photos of a deer caught in headlights, have you? They are so surprised that they cannot move or think. Their eyes grow big. You would think that they are owls sitting on a branch hopping away. A vampire getting their nutsack kicked is no different.

First, they froze, their whole body still and stiff. Then, their eyes widened like an owl, and their hands crouched over to ease their pain. Finally, they let out a very loud bawl or blat sound just like a dying deer, or should I say groin?

That was exactly what King Nicklaus did. It was classic. No, it was epic. Let's just say he was pissed. And before I could really revel in my victory, Xander has already swooshed me out of the room, like my knight in shining armor. He's no fun.

Now I'm in the slave quarters reading The Vampire Studies.

I must admit, Xander was right. It really isn't anywhere near as boring as it sounds, unlike the garbage and heroic vampire stories that the academy likes to feed our brains. This book tells the truth. It doesn't paint vampires to be heroes, villains, or monsters. It explains vampires' history, society, and culture. I'm intrigued, and to be honest, I cannot put it down. This book contains knowledge, true knowledge, and one thing that I will agree with is that knowledge is power.

So far, I have learned each vampire king is a blood descendant from a powerful vampire house, and only one of the seven kings is not a trueborn vampire. There are a total of seven houses: House Ettore, House Akeldama, House Throne, House Athan, House Baldassare, House Marku, and House Vlad. 

King Nicklaus is a part of House Vlad, the royal family, and the most powerful family of them all. Based upon the text, his family is victorious and legends to the other vampire houses. Each and every house worships the ground that House Vlad walks on.

The house of Vlad originated from a place called Sighișoara, Romania. They have lived in places such as England, Italy, and Egypt.

Well, according to what I have read, they had relocated many, many times before they finally decided to settle on an island called Cyprus. The island of Cyprus is surrounded by three continents—Europe, Asia, and Africa, which the vampires call the circling kingdoms. I remember, the kings speaking about the circling kingdoms during their royal tradition.

Speaking of traditions, according to the text, every 100 years, the vampire houses come together to host a Massacre Ball, a blood gathering. This ball is where they discuss the well-being of their futures. The last ball was when the Awakening was determined.

Just perfect!

The house of Vlad aka King Nicklaus led the attack.

Actually, the book states that descendants from the Vlad family have always led the vampires against other supernatural creatures—or in my case human species—winning just about whatever war they fought in. If other houses went to war without the house of Vlad's blessing, they would lose, terribly. Vampires call it the Curse of the Vlads.

It's weird. Honestly, I believe it's just a bunch of superstitious bullcrap. Like come on, one family cannot determine the win or loss of each and every vampire war. I mean, in my opinion, the Vlad House has placed this fear in other vampires to hold onto power and secure the crown.

I've also learned that there are four council members selected by the houses every couple of hundreds of years, and these council members govern and set rule books.

Whatever they say goes. The only person that can overrule them is the overseer of the vampire race, and usually, it's a direct descendant from the House of Vlad. King Nicklaus's father became the overseer when he passed the throne down to his son. His new title is King Father Apollyon and this book makes it very clear that he is a wicked and malicious king. His daughter and King Nicklaus's sister, Princess Daniela, are next in line to be the overseer.

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