Chapter 17

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Ari's P.O.V.

I was a little more nervous than I would have been had Cassie been here, but I was still sure that I could handle this. It was just Cole. And, sure, he's changed but it's been for the better, so why am I worried? I'm never nervous, so why is right now any different? Ok so maybe I do get a little nervous and maybe I tend to ramble when I am, but a lot of people ramble and being nervous isn't anything new. Ok Ari, focus!

I take a deep breath and halt my inner monologue before it goes any further. I hold my head high and make my way to my mate's office, ready to take on the world. Or at least this situation. I get to his office and the beta waves me on through to his office. When I get there, I knock on the door. It takes less than a moment for him to holler for me to come in. I walk in and take a deep breath as we look each other over. It's a good thing that I took that deep breath because one look was all it took for my breath to be stolen.

"She was right. The bond never fully broke." He says, trying to regain the breath he too lost.

"Yeah she's a good egg. She's the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't know what I would do or be without her. So for her, I thank you." I say nodding my thanks to him.

"Come, sit." He says motioning to the chair across from him. I do and we sit for a moment in silence. " Gah, why are we so awkward? We're supposed to be in love and we can't even have a normal conversation."

"Yeah it's like we're strangers or something."I say with sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"Alright, there's no need for the sass." He rolls his eyes.

    "But we really are strangers. The only thing we know about each other is what we recently learned and the fact that we share a daughter. I understand that you think that we would be head over heels in love and all that jazz, but that's not how that works."

    "I know. How is she? Our daughter that is."

    "She had training to teach or she would be here. I had to fight her for that one, but the mom card with a little bit of the reputation card will get her to listen. She tried to cancel her training is what I'm trying to say." I love her but honestly, she can be a pain.

    "That makes sense. You've raised her to be amazing."

    "I didn't do a lot. She was so independent that I tried to raise her and she basically raised herself. I worked a lot and I would get people to watch her, but she went about like they weren't there. She made herself food at the age of 3 if I wasn't home. If she wanted something, she would find a way to get it."

    "She was making her own food at 3? As in 3 years old? Why would she do that if she had help?"

    "She never wanted help. They tried to help and she would like dismiss them like they were flies. She tried to be polite about it though, so I give her that."

    "So she was always independent?"

    "Very. The Luna above gave me a wonderful baby. She hardly ever cried and she was super smart. I think the only issue was she talked to strangers, but that always turned out to be a good thing. I couldn't ask for a better child." I can't help but smile as I think about my Cassie.

    "I'm glad you didn't tell me about her. I had a lot of growing up to do and you needed her more than I did. I wouldn't have been able to take care of her like she would have deserved and it would have screwed us both up. You needed her way more than I did. The Luna knows what she's doing."

    "Yeah I don't regret not telling you. I needed her and, in all honesty, still do need her."

    "I disagree. I don't think you need her. I think you try to hold onto her because you did for so long. I hope you'll hold onto me one day, but for now I'll settle for holding onto you." He says crouching in front of me and cupping my jaw.

    "What about when you leave?" I can't help but ask as my eyes start to water at the thought.

    "I refuse to leave you again. I just got you  back and if I'm honest, the last 18 years without you have been like living in Hell. I never got the chance to properly love you and I'm not gonna lose that chance now. I may not know you like I should, but I want to. I may to love you right now, but I'm so close. I hope that one day you'll fall in love with me. Because this time, I'll be there to catch you." He says and I see adoration shining through his eyes.

    "That's just the bond talking." I can't help but be insecure. I was rejected for my whole life by everyone but my daughter and my pack. That's a lot of time to think bad about yourself.

    "No. No I swear it's not. The bond is just there to show us what we'd never see by ourselves and you know it." He says booping me on the nose. 

    I look into his eyes and see no trace of lie in them. I know that the bond isn't there to force us together and I thought about it  a little more before declaring something that could never be taken back.

    "If you are willing, so am I.'' His smile is blinding and I can't help but give him my own watery smile.

    "If you are willing, so am I. I am more than willing." He says and for the first time in 18 years I kiss my soulmate.


I know. I'm horrible and it's short and I took forever to get it to you.
I'm sorry. I tried to write sooner but I got really bad writers block and had no free time for a while. I hope to back into writing again but I gave up on making promises when it comes to my writing. I will have some time to write this weekend but I don't know if I'll have a whole chapter.

Anywho, If you see any mistakes, comment, and


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