Chapter 25

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Cassie's POV

The time is quickly approaching. I'm sitting in my room at the packhouse, putting on the dress that I need to wear for my ceremonies. We decided last minute to not have a wedding, but to have dad walk me down the aisle. We just want to be together and can have a big wedding ceremony later if we want to. We did sign a marriage certificate and all of that is being taken care of by the justice of the peace.  As for my dad walking me down the aisle, I decided to make an effort since he is. As long as he treats my mom right, we won't have problems. 

We also decided that we would have vows and say them on our own in private. I don't know if I've ever been this excited for something in all my life. Even the thought of meeting my mate wasn't this exciting. Now I'm sitting in a room surrounded by my mates family and my newly mated mother as we get me ready for my own Alpha Female ceremony. 

"Alright dear, time to get you into your dress," Cassandra says and pulls the garment bag out of the closet. 


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The dress is a traditional style dress that would be worn for a crowning ceremony. It was also as close to a wedding dress that my parents would be seeing me in for a little while. I breathe in deeply as Cass tightens the corset that's in the dress and resist the urge to run my fingers through my hair. I'm not used to it being down and in my face so this is really weird. 


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"I want you all to know that I'm truly grateful for all that y'all are doing for me and all that you have done for my mother and me. I couldn't ask for a better family to join. Thank you," I say to the beautiful group of women around me. They all look like they're about to cry.  I can't help but panic at the looks on their faces. 

"Oh, Sweetheart, we are so happy that our boy has you. You are beautiful inside and out and Mă bucur că te alături familiei." She says. 

"Mom you switched languages," Emily says laying a hand on her mother's shoulder. 

"It's fine. I speak Romanian. I learned it after meeting Whiskey and hearing him speak the language. I was instantly enchanted," I say with a slight smile. "I am also glad to be joining the family." 

"Alright. It's almost time so remember to speak loudly and calmly and don't touch your hair. Your dad should be here in a minute to walk you down the aisle and give you away and then the ceremony will commence." 

"Mom. I know how this works. I planned yours and mine and helped Alpha Lilly with hers. I know how this is going to go mom, so take a deep breath and relax. We've got this." I say as there's a knock on the door. 

"Are you ready to go Cass?" Cole asks as he walks into the room. He looks at me and his breath catches in his throat. "You look gorgeous. It breaks my heart that I wasn't there to see you become the amazing young woman that you have become. I am extremely happy that you have allowed me to walk you towards your future." 

I smile gently at him and take a deep breath walking towards him. We loop our arms together and the ladies in the room run to their seats and sit waiting for us to walk down the aisle. The area behind the packhouse looks absolutely gorgeous. 

They put together a fabric canopy and had lights strung between the fabric to give it a glow. That was situated in front of the woods where the pack would run tonight at midnight. The chairs were simple would folding chairs and had stumps with vases of yellow daisies on them. Guests filled the seats from both our pack and Cole's pack together, as well as some of the neighboring Alpha's who could make it away from their packs for the event. Everyone was smiling and some people were taking pictures of my father and me as we walked down the aisle. At the very end of the never-ending aisle was my handsome husband. 

He was looking at me with complete adoration in his eyes. They glistened and I couldn't help but fall more and more in love with his mismatched eyes. The way the light is shining on them is mesmerizing and I almost don't notice that we've made it to the front. My father kisses my hands and gives them to my husband and the ceremony. 

"Hidden Moon!" Whiskey says, followed by cheers from our pack members. He smiles at the crowd and Axe and I smile at each other. "We stand today before our Alpha, Axe Dragoste, and his mate, Cassie Mora, as they join themselves in a union before God and the Luna above. Cassie, do you swear, before God, the Luna above, and all of these witnesses to love, cherish, and protect Axe and this pack with everything in you till death are you taken?" 

"I swear it in front of God, the Luna above, and all of these witnesses." 

"Axe, the blood knife." My love hands his grandfather the ceremonial knife and the incision is made in both of our hands. We join them and a glow surrounds the both of us, signifying that the Luna is pleased. Whiskey smiles at the two of us. "HIDDEN MOON OF NORTH CAROLINA, I PRESENT TO YOU, YOUR ALPHA PAIR!!" 

Shouts surround us as we look deeply into each other's eyes and Axe asks me a very important question. 

"May I kiss you, my love?" 

"I think you'd better, dearest husband." 


Happy New Year!! It is 2020 everywhere!! I have a lot going on this year that's got me in a slight panic so there will either be an increase in writing or a decrease. It just depends on how stressed out I get. I can promise, however, that I will have the epilogue out before January 16th and hopefully it will be out before the end of next week, but school starts back and finals are soon after that so we'll see

Thank you for reading! Tell me what you think about this chapter and...


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