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Cassie's POV.

"My love, have I mentioned how beautiful you are? Both inside and out. It amazes me more and more every day." My charming husband says carrying me to our room, bridal style. There was an after-party that lasted about an hour, but now we're on our way to say our vows. We chose to do it in private because we agreed that it was for our ears and those of the goddess should she choose to listen. 

"You have mentioned it, but you have never given me a chance to tell you just how amazing you are in everything you do. You are a young Alpha who was able to focus on your studies and your duties while keeping up with your family. You are most certainly more magnificent than I." I say and kiss him as he lays me on the bed. He lays down beside me and we just look at each other for a moment. 

"Te iubesc mai mult decât viața. Tu ești totul meu absolut și nu am putut cere un partener mai bun. Tu ești lumina mea în întuneric, motivul meu pentru care trăiesc. Nu mi-aș dori nimic mai mult decât să creez un viitor cu tine. Viitorul pe care zeița l-a proiectat. Tu ești totul pentru mine." He says and leans his forehead into mine and gently kisses my nose. 

"Ești cel mai bun lucru care mi s-a întâmplat vreodată. De asemenea, nu am putut cere un partener mai bun. Ești tot ce am nevoie. Ești binecuvântarea mea deghizată și inima mea. Zeița cu siguranță m-a binecuvântat când mi te-a dat pe tine." I say with a gentle smile. He looks at me with adoration in his eyes and kisses me like there's no tomorrow. 

"How about we start on those seven kids?" He says and I can't help but agree. 


6 Months Later

"Are we going to go visit your parents today?" My husband asks as he finishes getting dressed. 

"Yeah, mom called earlier and told me she has some news to share. We have some too, I suppose. We can tell them when we see later today. Are you ready to go?" 

"Yes. You look absolutely marvelous darling. May I?" He says, and I give him a quick kiss. After 6 months of marriage, he still asks before he kisses me every time. 

"Ditto my love," I say after our brief kiss. I find myself falling more and more for him each and every day and even when I think I simply can't fall any more in love... he does something stupid and all I can think is 'Yep. That's mine.' 

"Let's be on our way. We should do a family dinner soon. It'd be nice to have the family together again." 

"But do we have a table big enough for all the family? My grandparents- that's four, my parents and yours- that makes eight. Whiskey makes nine. Your two brothers, your sister, my uncle, and the two of us. Plus the betas and gammas and any mates that I didn't think to account for. Do we have a table to seat upwards of twenty people?"

"We'll make it a picnic. I'm not sure that your mother's grandfather will be able to handle too much time indoors. Him being a free spirit and all. I know that Whiskey won't last too long inside. He would lose his mind with that many people in one room." 

"Agreed. Alright, we can arrange for a picnic, but I would like it to be for both packs to be completely welcome. They count as family too." 

"Sounds good. We'll arrange it for... the end of the month? Do you think that that works for everyone?" 

"Only one way to find out. Come on, I don't want to be late." 

The drive to the meeting place, a cafe on the mutual ground in the city nearby, took no time at all and we saw mom and Cole looking excitedly at each other. They were sat on the patio area enjoying the breeze that came with the surprisingly warm day. Cole saw us approaching first and stood to greet us. Mom followed suit, looking extremely joyous and she seemed to be glowing. 

"Cassie! It's been too long!" My mom says and throws her arms around my neck, nearly choking me in the process.

"Mom, it's been about a week. We meet for lunch once a week." I say and hug her around her waist. 

"I know but it's been a long week. OK, Ok sit, sit. We have much to discuss." 

"Cassie, Axe, it's good to see you two again." 

"You too Cole," Axe says as we sit. I nod to Cole, still switching between which name I use for him. I haven't ever had a father, so getting used to the name is taking a while. 

"Ok, we have some really big and really surprising news," Mom says and smiles at Cole. He lovingly grins back in response. "We're pregnant." 

They both look on the verge of tears, but the smiles tell me they're happy tears. 

"Mom, I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you, my love. I didn't think this would or even could happen. We get the chance to parent again. Oh, I could just weep," As she said this, tears started streaming down her face and Cole immediately wrapped her up in a comforting hug. The two of them are at peace at this moment. They both deserve this and I couldn't be more happy for them.  

"Well Ari, we also have news on this joyous occasion." My husband says and looks at me. We both smile at each other and then turn to my parents. 

"We're also pregnant." 


And so our story comes to an end. I wish I could say that I was one of those authors that was in tears at the thought of it, but I'm not. I've said in the past that I have a sequel in the works and that when it's done I will start posting it. That is still the plan and I plan on having it done before this exact date next year. Depending on how quickly I finish it, I may even post the first part on this day though, as I said, I hope to have it done sooner. This will also be going through some editing, but that will probably wait until I am already posting the sequel. 

Thank you to all my new readers and the ones who have been with me from the beginning. I owe any success to all of you and truly appreciate it. Yes, even you silent readers. All of you matter.

So for the final time in this book... 


Vow Translations: 

"I love you more than life. You're my absolute everything and I couldn't ask for a better partner. You are my light in the dark, my reason for living. I wouldn't want anything more than to create a future with you. The future the goddess designed. You're everything to me. [Axe]

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Also, I couldn't ask for a better partner. You're all I need. You are my blessing in disguise and my heart. The goddess certainly blessed me when she gave me you. [Cassie]

Updated on my birthday as promised.  

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