1|| How this year is gonna be

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|| Present ||

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|| Present ||

Much to my dismay, the Christmas Break was over and we had to go back to the hellhole I was bonded to be for another six months. I really couldn't wait to get the hell away from here. The past trimester I'd been working really hard on my marks, since there are no chances I would get an scholarship from photography as I initially planned and Granny couldn't affort to fully pay my enrolment with just her pension. I found a job three nights in restaurant not far from here and on weekends I volunteer in a Studio in the city.

But it still not enough. I needed to improve my marks since this past trimester I only got three +A. At any other moment or situation I would had been more than glad with my straight A curriculum and only one +B in Maths, but now it wasn't enough.

I heard the roar of the engine before the loud honk and I know they were here, so I get up, picking my back and kissing Granny on the cheek before heading out and into Norah's yellow Jeep. Subtle, I know. But opposite to myself, Norah Mendley crawled for attention. She loves it on her. You can easy tell by her pink medium lenght mane and her blunt way to approach people.

She was so not the kind of person I would had befriended, but her sweet side melted me and her loyalty is admirable. She smiled at me through the rearview mirror.

"Hey, girl! Ready?"

"Not at all." I snorted softly clicking the seatbelt as she pulled away with a chuckled.

"Know the feeling. I was hopping the break never end! Roma was so awesome by the way. Oh, Alyson you would had love it. It was all so big, and old, and just amazing!" she cheered and his good mood immediately lighted mine. "Right, Conny?"

Connor grunted by her side on the passenger seat, plugging in the earpieces proving how uninterested he was on our conversation. Not that it was a surprise, he was kinda the opposite of his twin. Ever since the course started he made it pretty clear he didn't want to interact with any kind off living being. He just sat at the back, or hide on the corners, ignoring the world and wanting the same treatmen in return. His ever present scowl and unexpressive eyes clashed with Norah's natural joy. Moon and sun.

Yeah, they were the new twins I had to show arround the first day to make credits. It turned out it wasn't that bad. Norah made it everything easy, and as for Connor... the only time I get to stay alone with him during the tour as his sister used the bathroom I did what I usually do when I'm nervous: I rambled like there was no tomorrow. He glared at me and told me to leave him alone. Which I did, affraid to upset him.

Norah kept explaining how awesome Italy was I couldn't but die from jealousy, I've never set a foot outside american turf. When we arribed the school's parking Macy was already leaning against the bench looking down at her phone. Connor, true to his nature, bolted out the car as soon as it was parked not saying a thing and disappeared. Norah rolled her eyes and I giggled at her mocking face as we got out as well. My eyes immediately searched arround for a certain face, but despites not founding it my chest tightened in apprehension.

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