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Lucas pulled his iPad out of his drawer and set it out in front of him in his reading room. Since no one visits this room very often, he thought this place was the best to do his research in the whole house.

It was like a mini library, except only Lucas reads these books, others just have no time to spare.

He was way too curious on finding out of whatever happened today was really true. Does he really belong Claire, now that she just claimed him as hers?

What in the cherry blossom was happening in his life?

Was he dreaming?

Lucas frowned to himself.

Nono no, he would have woken up the moment she touched him. He's sure of it.

Her touch was lingering on his skin though.

SOOOO, this feeling... Is it like.. good? Or bad?


So he sighed, determined to search the results for his only thought running through his head since the incident occurred in the morning.

His sweating fingers took him to google instantly and hovered over the keyboard.

'How do you know if a girl likes you?'

Didn't Claire already say she likes me?

He face palmed.

'How do you know if you like someone?'

He stuck the tip of his tongue out in an adorable way and curiously stared.

"You feel happy? Comfortable? Excited to talk to them?"

He felt none of them towards Claire. He feels like he wants to slide into depression when he talks to her, totally uncomfortable and wants to desperately avoid her.

'What do you mean by mine'

He waited for the results, biting his lips softly. He read over the first line and instantly frowned at the screen. "Bound to them?" He mumbled. "You mean I'm bound to Claire? Nada, No, never. Why would.."

"You're mine."

Suddenly, the air in his lungs was sucked out and he struggled for oxygen.

Not really, he was just feeling uneasy. Because it felt like she was right next to him, whispering those words in his ears. It was so frightening yet so heart fluttering.

He shook his head vigorously.

Oh wait. What is this?

His eyes scanned all the other results, his gaze stopping on one of them.

It said, 'read book you're mine by @/InsertSomeAuthorHere on wattpad.' he scrunched his nose.

"What is wattpad..?" He mumbled to himself. "A website?"

He fell back on the chair and sighed heavily.

Should he read this book?

(A/n I ain't promoting any book. Just some random book I made up in here named "you're mine" lmao did I break the fourth wall yet)


The door to the mini library flew open, and in walked Lucas' brother, Wesley, a smirk plastered on his face which went well with his dirty blond tousled hair.

"Little brother," he started, making Lucas snap his head up like a hyena and quickly clicked the device in front of him off.

"Yes, Wes?" He narrowed his eyes.

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