chapter SIXTY TWO

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Get ready for some real story shit

Also, y'all, I think most of you didn't read the last chapter I updated, please check it out!

It was no secret now, that Nate was being looked down at and Claire was being appreciated. It was no secret that Lucas was not even trying to hide his attraction from Claire.

But something still remained in the dark.

The stories that Nate and Claire knew. Something that only they shared.

Aside from that, Sean now regretted uploading the video on their website.

Because he watched how Nate dragged himself to the roof of the school, alone, red eyes and a sleek bottle in his hands.

Sean followed, just incase Nate tried something that he shouldn't.

He saw how Nate sat down on the dirty rooftop terrace and took a sip of the drink. He rubbed his hands together in the cold of the winter and bit his lips.

It was getting dark, but the football practice was still going on. Except, it was going on without Nate because he messed up the game when a player triggered his thoughts about the video.

Now he sat there, his eyes droopy and strands of hair slipping onto his face.

"Claire.." he mumbled to himself. "You ruined my reputation. Now I'll ruin you."

Sean's breath hitched.


Lucas scrolled through his social media and giggled, while taking a walk around the school's playground, with Claire walking next to him.

The sky had turned slightly violet and cloudy, just perfect for a winter beginning.

She glanced at Lucas' red nose tip. She brought her fingers up and flicked it softly.

"Cold, eh?" She asked.

"Nope. Warm. Real warm next to you." He smiled, and warily reached out to slip his hand in hers and give it a squeeze.

Claire would be lying if she didn't feel her heart trying to break out from the ribcage. He looked so pure that it physically started hurting her feelings.

Lucas' brown hair wasn't gelled up today, and so it was all over his forehead and in his eyes. Which he didn't quite like, but he went with it anyway.

"What's with the blue sweater you wear?" She asked him, still slowly walking.

The reason why they stayed in school was that they had nothing to do today anyway. Lucas' parents, as usual he thought, didn't care for his whereabouts and Claire's parents.. well she wouldn't listen to them so they don't even try.

"I--.. it's stupid that I wear this sweater-" Lucas licked his lips. "I wear it because I think it goes well with my eyes."

He feared that she would laugh at him for the stupid reason. But he was being honest, because.. well, he cannot lie.

Claire tilted her head to the side. And here she thought everything went well with his eyes.

"Is that it?"


Claire stopped them, and turned around to stare into his eyes, her pupils dilating.

"Am I dreaming or are they really the colour of your soul? Blue and pure?" She swept her hands behind his neck and pulled him closer.

His eyes widened.

She can never get enough of how his eyes widen every time she makes a move. If anything, then she would like to see how he reacts when she.. you know..

Still staring, she leaned in and placed a kiss on his lips.

"Do you like being kissed?" She asked, waiting for him to respond, instead his ears flushed. "Cute."

Suddenly, Lucas gasped and pushed her away. She stumbled on his feet, and scowled at his move. In an instant, anger took over.

"You should fucking tell me if you don't like not push me--"

"Dad." Lucas said, his tone wavering. "Sorry."

Claire snapped her head to look at the man himself, standing few feet away in the parking lot, next to his sleek black car.

The car. THE CAR.

Claire choked, looking at the most expensive car around. No, that's not why she was felt like banging her forehead against the wall, but because it was the same car she almost had an accident with.

When she was drunk.

Warning bells jingled in his head as she just stood there.

"Claire.. I got to go." Lucas spoke softly.

She just nodded and turned around, ready to leave. Because shit, she didn't even remember what she told the man in a drunken state. Definitely not something pleasing.

Lucas was disheartened looking at the cold expression on his father's face, just like the weather. He shivered.

He gathered his courage and walked up to the man himself and stood Infront of him.


"Isn't it late? What are you still doing here with her?"

Lucas froze hearing the stone cold tone weighing in his father's voice.


"Are you in your right senses, Lucas? If I hadn't come home early today, I would have never found out about this." He said. "Get in the car."

Lucas nodded, walking around to the passenger's seat, taking a small glance at how his father's eyes dropped with disappointment.

When both of them were in, he turned on the heater.

"Dad, I can explain-"

"I don't need your explanation." He grumbled. "You cannot lie to me. You've been caught red handed. What have I told you?"


"What have I told you?!" He yelled, making Lucas flinch slightly.

"That.. that don't care about Claire. I should be with someone having my own standards." Lucas blinked, unwillingly saying the words that put Claire down.

"And what did you do?"

Lucas' father had a strong baritone, which was one of the reasons why everyone feared him. Him dressing up in all black suit, was even more terrifying.

Even though most of Lucas' looks were passed on by his father, like the sky blue eyes, of the strong jaw, he was never as manly as him.

Everyone were practically on their knees in front of Brady Carson Clark, the CEO himself.

"I'm sorry--"

"Is she the reason why your grades are going down too?"

Lucas shook his head so hard that he saw stars. She definitely wasn't the reason. He could never blame her. She has saved him from trouble, bullies and what not.

He sees her as his saviour. Because she has kissed his tears, healed his wounds and showed him what it is to trust a person so much.

"Please, it's not that way,"

"You've never failed to disappoint me."

"I'm sorry."

"Stay away from her." He spoke as Lucas looked down at his thighs, his palms turning into fists. "Is it clear, Lucas?"


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